Friday, October 08, 2010

A Letter from Defenders of Wildlife

I wanted to share with you a letter
that I received from Rodger Schlickeisen
- President & CEO of Defenders of Wildlife -
EFA's Charity of the Month
during the month of September.

"Dear Nicole, and the rest of the great people at Team EFA.

I wanted to write and thank you personally for selecting Defenders of Wildlife as the recipient of your September fund raising efforts. We're delighted to have the support of such creative, energetic people!

It's been particularly nice to read all of the detailed blog posts you've written about Defenders' work, and to see the comments from your community members about your love for animals and your support of our efforts. We've gotten good response to our own posts to our blog and social media channels as well - there are a lot of Etsy fans among our supporters!

Our communities certainly share an appreciation for our nation's wildlife. Hopefully this month's collaboration has been as beneficial for EFA, as it has been for Defenders of Wildlife.

Thanks again,
Rodger Schlickeisen

handwritten note:
We are extremely grateful for your help"

I was thrilled to receive a letter with such personal touch... and omg! included with this lovely letter was an adorable sea turtle plush ! How does it get better than that ? lol

Turtle will be once again making a journey... as she will be sent on to Heather Windmiller as gratitude for all her tremendous efforts in writing articles for our DOW campaign last month. CONGRATS & THANKS to Heather- you deserve it :)

The work to assist Defenders of Wildlife will, of course, continue... future articles are already on the schedule and will be published here on the EFA blog. Those EFA members who would like to continue to donate a portion of their sales should consider tagging those products with DEFENDERS. This will enable Treasury Makers, such as myself, to pick up on those listings for future marketing promotion. Brizel4TheAnimals will continue to donate 10% of all Silk Tapestry Box sales to Defenders of Wildlife as well as 10% to current & future EFA cotm.

If you'd like to make a donation to Defenders, now or in the future, you will find the quick link to their website on the left hand column of this blog, click their logo or HERE to arrive to their donation form. Once you are done making a donation, please remember to report the donation on the EFA website- click HERE to make that report.

A special THANKS to the COTM group & to all
those who support Defenders of Wildlife !
written by Nicole from brizel4TheAnimals


I'm a Defender of Wildlife - Are You? -
To read about Defenders of Wildlife
see September 1 EFA post HERE


  1. So glad to see Defenders a chosen charity. I chose Defendeers when I first joined Team EFA and have always thought of it is a very rewarding organization to donate to. This letter clearly states how grateful they are for our help. Go Team EFA!!

  2. That's a wonderful thank you from Defenders and we intend to continue to support them also. I was so proud of how our team worked together on this because they are one of my favorite charities. A special thanks to you Nicole, for going above and beyond for us and Defenders - you were awesome!!!!

  3. This is so great! Thank you to Nicole,Heather, and EFA for your wonderful efforts helping Defenders! Thank you to Roger and Defenders for working with us to help the animals!

  4. How wonderful that he took the time to write such a nice and personal letter! I'm so glad that DOW was picked as a charity of the month; their work is so very important, and I'm proud to be part of a team that supports such efforts! Thanks Nicole and Heather and all others who worked so diligently in September to make us all aware of this organization's work.

  5. I'm so impressed that Roger sent this to you Nicole! Thanks so much for posting it!! And the hand-written note at the bottom was such a nice and heartfelt touch!!!
    We'll definitely have to work with them again!!!

    Also, my heartfelt gratitude to you Nicole for helping me with those articles as this was my first experience with blog writing!

    So thoughtful of DOW to send you the sea turtle! *sniff* And the fact that you'll be forwarding the sea turtle to me makes me wanna cry! (Now where'd I put that tissue! *sniff*)

    It was such a super idea of yours to contact DOW and get everything set up with Cat!!!
    Thanks so much for being such a terrific EFA sister and animal lover!!!!

    I'm so happy to be on this team of so many wonderful people!! Thanks everyone for making September such a great month!

  6. Thanks to you Lisa & Rebecca for your participation in this campaign- that was a brilliant wolf article & some super Treasuries... and thanks also to Carol for her enthusiasm in creating wolf items for sale !

    Much gratitude for everyone's assistance with this cotm and for your acknowledgment of my hard work- whatever difference i made for the animals, i am proud to have made it.

    for the animals,

  7. Oh and i would be remiss not to mention a THANK YOU to Jane from thedoghouse who produced our first Defenders treasury which was such a success in terms of sales that she rotated in new items !

    Truly I was blessed to have such great support from the COTM group :)

  8. Awesome Pawsome! How very cool to get personal letter! A true sign of a quality organization. Do we get to see a picture of the turtle??! Way to go EFA!!

  9. Yeah to Defenders and to all of us for making a difference! I am going to continue to make more items to benefit them in the future also, as they have always been my favorite too! How nice to receive this awesome letter in recognition of our efforts, yes let's make it a once a year thing for this org. as they do such great work!

  10. So wonderful! Thanks to all you wonderful Efaers!! You ladies are awesome!! XOXO


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