Saturday, September 04, 2010

An update from Marilyn...

... in reply to her first blog post:

"Nothing has really changed except I get more caring and if one animal shows it is hurt in any way, I keep a close eye on it. Right now I think one of my squirrels fell out of a tree and it runs in circles with it's head parallel to the ground. I just saw this the other day so I toss peanuts close to it and although it can't at first find it, it does and runs away like a drunken sailor and is seemingly happy.

The lakes in Madison, Wisconsin are a relief for me because I only have to spend $7.37 for 1-50# bag of corn to feed them right now. It is increasing now though (2 bags a week) because I think their antenna is up for the coming weather. They are coming more frequently and in more numbers.

They are amazing. They come rocketing into my backyard at the strangest times but I now see it is always close to their
5:00 P.M. dinner hour and I leave food out at 7:00 P.M. for their morning feed. I keep the big dish or top of a bird bath filled with fresh water and the ducks think they have a private pool. They actually wait for me to fill it and hop in and just sit there.

I don't care to be out anywhere after dark but if one stray squirrel or duck happen to stop by I make sure they are fed and content before I can relax. I said rocket in the above paragraph, they come in so fast. They miss the telephone wires and trees and anything in their path. They come down right in front of me sooo gracefully yet fast. They come feet first and leave head first. Their wing spread is magnificent and so graceful. They run really fast and take off and with poetry in motion. If you could just watch them in slooow motion.

Last night I was thinking as I watched them how wonderful it would be if the world got along like nature. There were 2 big, no, huge rabbits, 3 squirrels and maybe... 5 ducks all eating out of the same patch of corn mixed with bird seed and a bird would fly in and eat and leave. They do this all right in front of me. I am in awe and wonderment as I sit still and talk to them lightly and they seem to respond. The ducks make a cooing sound.

If you all read this, I could sure use help with donations to feed the little ones. I always say, I wonder if one day there will be a bear in my backyard and what would I do. I wish all people could be a part of the natural process of nature as I am seeing it.

And, by-the-way, I am now writing a childrens book on my ducks. Watch for it. It is going to be called, "My Little Lost Duck, (now found). It is about an experience I just had with a mom and baby duck and myself.

Have a beautiful day.
I am sincerely,
Marilyn R. Meier-O'Brien

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