Thursday, July 29, 2010

Save our Gulf

This piece was painted shortly after the horrible environmental disaster occurred in the Gulf of Mexico.

As someone who has loved, cherished, and painted birds for most of her adult life, I was horrified at the oil spill. I immediately started painting critters, mostly birds of the Gulf region and haven't stopped yet. Not only does my painting help me get through this time of heartache and grief, but it is my way of honoring the innocent victims of human greed and carelessness.

As I paint the birds, in my own humble way, I am sending healing light, hope, and protection. This first image I painted became the foundation of my body of work I call 'Save Our Gulf'. In it, I have depicted an American Bittern, Brown Pelican, Green Heron, Painted Bunting, Purple Gallinule, Roseate Spoonbill and Reddish Egret surrounding a Red Winged Blackbird's nest.

I have been donating 10% of the sales of marked items in my Etsy store
to one of numerous organizations for their good works
in assisting with the Wildlife saving efforts in the Gulf,
their continuing work to educate the public about
wildlife and the habitat they need to thrive, and their
work towards keeping our world clean for us and for
the animals.

These organizations include:
Defenders of Wildlife
National Wildlife Federation
Center for Biological Diversity
American Bird Conservancy
National Audubon Society
Natural Resources Defense Council

The items in my store are marked 'charity' and the
chosen charity & amount of donation are stated in each


  1. I am such a fan of Lisa's beautiful animal artwork, and the proud owner of a magical bear painting of hers, wonderful work helping the animals Lisa!

  2. Oh so fabulous!!
    Love the compostion and the shy look the pelican gives contrasted with the bold look of the green heron; and the way the roseate spoonbill leaps out at the viewer as if interested in what we are doing. Love the vibrant colors too and the way the birds surround that sweet little nest as if trying to protect it from all the environmental devastation!
    Really fabulous!!


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