Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tombola To Happy Vegans Fundraiser!

Hello all you lovely EFA people! Sasha and I just wanted to say thank you for sponsoring our tombola and sending in so many amazing prizes that is allowed us to rasie money for your nominated charity Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary over two festvials.

Viva! Incredible Veggie Roadshow, February 2010

Brighton Eco Veggie Fayre, March 2010

Waiting for the prizes to arrive was an exciting event in itself, every day felt like Christmas! Everything was beautiful and it was evident straight away that a lot of love and care had gone into their creation, here are just a few:

from http://thoseparasoldays.etsy.com

In total we manged to raise $100 which will hopefully help Cedarhill to carry on their amazing work (read our guestbook entry here). Thank you all again!

Love Mitsu & Sasha


More donations and information here and here.


  1. Mitsu and Sasha - thanks for raising money for Cedarhill! They are a wonderful organization.

  2. Thank you to To Happy Vegans and all of the talented EFA members who donated creations :)

  3. thanks ladies, great post! so happy to have raised funds : )


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