Friday, May 28, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Berkeley East Bay Humane Society Appeal

EFA is taking urgent action to help Berkeley East Bay Humane Society who have been victims of a tragic fire.  EFA sellers feel they must act and are donating to fundraise for BEBHS through May and June - with some going further into July - such is their commitment to this cause.  

Full details of the tragic fire that swept their facility are here and their Rebuilding site is here.

The sellers involved are listed below, just click on the links below :-

TheAnimalMagicShop - 100% of the proceeds of this beautiful vintage pin here.

Tantalizing Stitches is giving 5% of her sales

Spider Blue  Will donate 50% of sales for the months of June and July.

Whskr will be donating 100% of her next Art Doll pin sale and 25% of each sale in June.

KittyAnyDots 10% of cards, 20 % of prints, mirrors & jewelry all of May and June

Scrappy Rats  100% of sale of selected items (Yummy for Dogs dog treat cookbooks, other items as indicated). Now - end of June

Barking Dog Blankets on Etsy and 1000 Markets Small BarkingDogBlanket 100% proceeds plus 5 - 10%  May/june Sales

MVegan5 10% of sales from 22 May to the end of June. 

Daisy Wares 50% of her sales to help thru to the end of May

Garden Delights I will be donating 10% of my sales through the end of June.

Wind and Honey 10% of my sales until June 30   

If you can spread news of this post around your social networks we would appreciate it. Thank you on behalf of all of the animals and people at the Berkeley East Bay Humane Society.

WSPA's Haiti Animal Relief

Forwarded by, one of the many EFA members who contributed from their shop sales to help the WSPA's Haiti Animal Relief Efforts;

Dear Carol,

Thank you for this email. I had no idea that such a group on Etsy existed, this is exciting news! We very much appreciate being featured on Etsy and being a part of your generosity and compassion for animals. Thank you so much!

Warm Regards,


Communications Associate, WSPA USA

World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) �o:p>

The World's Largest Alliance of Animal Welfare Organizations


WSPA on Facebook

WSPA on Twitter

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The VSPCA shelter needs our help!

The Visakha Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (VSPCA) could use your help! The VSPCA's shelter in Andhra Pradesh, India, was severely damaged in the recent typhoon, Cyclone Laila, and assistance is needed for both repairs and disaster relief to help animals in the surrounding area.

Here is a portion of an e-mail we received from Eileen Weintraub, the founder of Help Animals India, an umbrella organization whose primary beneficiary is the VSPCA:

"Cyclone Laila has struck the coast of Andhra Pradesh, and has continued up the Indian coast through Orissa. The VSPCA shelter which is home to around 1,100 animals has sustained a lot of damage.

Pradeep Nath, founder and president of VSPCA, writes:
'Trees have fallen on the roof of the ABC/TNR [Animal Birth Control/Trap Neuter Release] center; this needs immediate repair so we can continue our ABC (spay/neuter) program. The bigger generator and even the small generator are not working and are clogged with water. Three of the pigeon shelters have been damaged. All the bird areas need to be fixed to better withstand storms. The goshala shed where the buffaloes live, needs the sheets on top replaced, the goshala shed on the other side, for the cows, has been swept away by the winds, and another one needs to be put up for them. The drainage system needs to be improved to prevent flooding.

Our first obligation is to the 1,100 rescued animals we have here; they all need to have shelter and be in out of the rain - and to the continuation of our ABC (spay/neuter) program. We conduct more than 40 surgeries a day to help the street animals, and we need to continue this program.

Animals in the areas around us also need urgent help because of the severe storm and the flooding, and we hope that we will have the funding to do disaster relief, as we have always done in the past, since these animals too are dependent on us. We are thankful that there have been no deaths, and all the animals here at the shelter have survived. Our heart-felt thanks to all of you who can provide any help for the animals.' "

If you'd like to help, here are three ways:

1. Consider nominating Help Animals India as Romeo the Cat's FURPOWER recipient for June (If you have not heard about Romeo yet, you can read more about FURPOWER here. He and his amazing staffperson, Caroline Golon, have raised so much money for animal charity.)

You can nominate at - it is easy! All you need is a valid e-mail address! Please note that you must nominate Help Animals India (website address: instead of the VSPCA since Romeo's rules require that the charity be a U.S. 501(c)3 organization. Caroline will be choosing a recipient later this week so please nominate ASAP.

2. If you are eligible, please consider nominating either the VSPCA or Help Animals India for the EFA Charity of the Month for July.

3. And if you can, please consider making a small donation, since our money goes a long way in India! As Eileen says:
"Donations go directly to benefit India’s animals. In India, these funds continue to go a long way. Typical monthly salaries are the equivalent of $500 USD for a veterinarian and $100 USD for shelter or office help. Dog and cat spay/neuter operations average just $12 USD."

You can find out more about how to donate at If you donate via PayPal, the donation goes through Help Animals India and is 100% US tax deductible. You can also donate by mail or wire transfer.

Many thanks!

Tombola To Happy Vegans Fundraiser!

Hello all you lovely EFA people! Sasha and I just wanted to say thank you for sponsoring our tombola and sending in so many amazing prizes that is allowed us to rasie money for your nominated charity Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary over two festvials.

Viva! Incredible Veggie Roadshow, February 2010

Brighton Eco Veggie Fayre, March 2010

Waiting for the prizes to arrive was an exciting event in itself, every day felt like Christmas! Everything was beautiful and it was evident straight away that a lot of love and care had gone into their creation, here are just a few:


In total we manged to raise $100 which will hopefully help Cedarhill to carry on their amazing work (read our guestbook entry here). Thank you all again!

Love Mitsu & Sasha


More donations and information here and here.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cocker Spaniel Rescue of New England


I am a volunteer with Cocker Spaniel Rescue of New England and we are gearing up for our 13th Annual Joey Fund Auction (our biggest fundraiser of the year). We will be holding our annual Silent/Live Auction at the Best Western Hotel in Marlborough, Mass on October 2nd. I was hoping that you could please consider forwarding my "ask" to your group in hopes that some artists would consider donating any item(s) to help us raise money at this year’s event. We can't make this a successful auction without people like you.

CSRNE is the oldest rescue in New England having been established in 1987. Fundraising is this rescue's only source of income. That is why events such as these are so critical!

All proceeds from this event will go directly to CSRNE's Joey Fund, a special fund set up to cover medical expenses and other costs for the rescued dogs in our care. We pride ourselves on doing the absolute best for these dogs, raising funds for health care, training, nurturing and rehabilitation. All in all, whatever they need before they can be adopted, we make sure they get it!

ALL donations are tax deductible. CSRNE is a federally exempt, 501(c) (3) organization, #02-0472694.

Promotional material sent to us with your donation, by August 1st, is displayed at the auction and your company name is printed in our auction catalog. Our entire audience is given a “doggy bag” with the promotional material as well, so can send us whatever you would like included in that as well.

Please visit our website at to see the wonderful dogs in our care that need our help to find them a forever home. Please feel free to email me or call for more details at 508-755-7808.

Donations and promotional materials can be mailed to my attention at the address below.

Thank you so much for considering my request!


Jane Morgan
261 Park Ave
Worcester, MA 01609

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Support the May Charity of the Month; Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet

The EFA May Charity of the Month is Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet, chosen by Nancy of

"Supporting our Military, Veterans, and their beloved Pets to ensure the pets are reunited with their owners following a deployment (combat or peace-keeping mission) in harm's way to fight the global war on terrorism or unforseen emergency hardship impacting their ability to retain their pet's ownership rights."