Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Three Bulls

Animal lovers everywhere, here is a story you won't want to miss.

Jodi of the amazing VET shop This Is It! Creations made a terrible discovery over the weekend: that these three bulls who graze on her property were to be sold for slaughter in short order. Being a person of high ideals, naturally Jodi immediately started looking for an answer - that is, a way to keep these three gorgeous animals from such a brutal and unnecessary death. The solution? Buy them! But cows don't come cheap; their freedom can indeed be purchased, but it will come to the tune of about $3600. Not only that, but the payment must be made by the end of next week!

And so, friends, we ask for your help. Chip in to save Pooka Cow, Spotty Friend, and Less Spotty Friend!

Important note: though the ChipIn widget here says that the final date to donate is March 13, in reality it is February 13!

Several VET member shops including 3 AM Art Productions, Veganosaurus, Holistically Heather, and Cards and Jewelry by Michele as well as Etsy for Animals' Lola Lynn are donating portions of sales through the zero hour. More shops are adding sales donations all the time - Jodi is keeping an updated list on her own This Is It blog. Jodi's own shop will be putting 100% of all sales from today, Wednesday February 3, towards saving the boys. So get shopping already!

Just a few dollars from each of us can make a big difference. These lives matter! Help Jodi to help her friends. What's their alternative to a terrifying slaughterhouse? Says Jodi:
"We've been asked where the cows will go if we do raise enough money to save them - they will stay here, at least for the short term. We have 11 acres of land, a barn, and a stream. We are planning to create a line of products where all of the profits will go toward their care (hay, vet bills, fence mending, etc.) If we can find a loving family with enough land to adopt them, we are definitely open to that as well."
Country idyll or the abattoir - three lives are on the line. So, wanna buy a journal? :)


  1. Thank you for making us aware of this! Just blogged about it, and am heading back over to Jodi & her husband's blog to contribute.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this here! I'm so grateful for the outpouring of compassion that we have received! I really believe that because of all of you, we are going to save these sweet boys! :) Jodi

  3. Thank you to everyone who's helping to save these beautiful cows, spread the word, all ;0) Michele

  4. Thanks for reposting my post! We've gotten pretty far, and we've got a week left - we've just got to keep on plugging!

  5. We donated, and I will make sure to link this to my blog and spread the word!


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