Thursday, August 27, 2009

Article by Dani

This is the 1st in a series by new EFA member, Dani, of She creates egg art, jewelry, and more, and is also a freelance writer; some of her work can be found on One of her favorite animal charities is The Center for Biological Diversity .

Welcome friends. My name is Kit and I will be your guide to understanding the universe, your place in it and how to take care of the Humans we protect. But first, a bit about me.

I began this lifetime in hardship. Soon after my litter mates and I were born, we were cruelly separated from our parents. Left to wander, and in the midst of a tremendous storm, I stumbled upon my current familiar human and her mate.

Shaking with cold and soaked through to the bone, I didn't think I would make it. Taking refuge in a pile of wood, all I could think of was how alone I was and so I cried out to the universe for help. My smallest whimper was heard, and She who is my new mother appeared. She saw my green eyes peering fearfully from between the logs and immediately found me a blanket, some warm milk, and a place to sleep. The next day, as I was pondering the possibilities of my new life, a cry came to me from a distance. I answered, which drew the notice of She and He.

He ran to the road from the house while She joined me in calling out. (She speaks feline really well!) Yes - down the road came my brother... who ran to me joyously. We snuggled together under a tree and I told him about my journey. We decided to stay with these humans, as they appeared to have been sent by the universal catsciousness to aid us during this lifetime.

After much mediation (and a bit of wild catnip) we decided that sharing our wisdom with our friends was our katmic task and so, with the help of my brother Kat, and other furfriends, we shall endeavor to help strengthen the relationship between the animal and human worlds.

To that end, we encourage your questions, comments and stories. In addition, to better assist in peaceful understanding, we will occasionally provide descriptions of characteristics that your human can use to help understand our world better. These descriptions are based upon information received from the universe and are based on planetary changes that may have occurred at the time of your birth.

We hope that this information can help you to better understand your human companions and we look forward to learning more about our new ETSY friends.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Dani and Kit, this is so fun, and I'm so happy that you found each other ;) Michele


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