Friday, April 03, 2009

Hello to All the Wonderful and Creative Artists who help to support the animals at EFA by donating some or all of the proceeds of sales to Charity and Rescue Groups.

My name is Carol and I'm the creator of Faeriegood's Shop here at Etsy:,
and also my newest shop,

I'm a new member here at efa and was greatly surprised and extremely grateful that my submission for the Charity of the month S*N*O was chosen for April. You can see them at:

I wanted to introduce myself a little and share some of my background and love for animals. I was born and raised in the NYC area and because of severe allergies as a child, was never allowed to have pets or play with animals other than to look from a distance, other than fish or turtles. This was in my opinion tantamount to torture, and as soon as I was old enough, I started sneaking little critters into the house, and befriending the neighborhood squirrels whom I got to eat from my hand. I guess you could say the animal loving gene was bound to become dominant, no matter what.

I started rescuing alley cats as soon as I got my first apartment in the village, while still in high school. I seemed to be a cat magnet and people where quick to discover the quirky kid who always had space for one more. Several of my acquisitions came pregnant so I soon adopted a policy for spay/neuter and found homes for as many as I could, leaving several with my parents out on the island and taking 3 with me when I made the move out to CA in the late 60's.

While living in the Santa Cruz mountains I saw the rapidly growing ferrule cat problem that had developed when a colony had established their territory under and around the local grocery store , barely surviving on rodents and handouts form well meaning patrons. I organized a spay/neuter catch and release and/or adopt out if possible, and a feeding station so the problem was eventually resolved.

My house was always home to a dozen or so rescued cats from various sources, along with a rescued "Easter bunny" that they kinda handed over to me as I was in the checkout line at the Nob Hill in Los Gatos (I guess word travels far), some geese and ducks also abandoned, a very old chicken that just came one day, two rescued dogs and for a while it seemed like animals had this idea that I was an underground railroad of sorts because they somehow magically appeared at my gate waiting to be cared for.

As time passed and my kids grew up, and the older dogs crossed over the rainbow bridge I found myself with my first Malamute and then within a month adopted my first rescued Husky. It didn't take long before I was asked to become a board member of the local Siberian rescue club in that area and was active for several years helping raise funds and promote responsible dog ownership principles through volunteering at adoption clinics, as well as becoming a foster home for the breed. It was during this period in my life that I first met Janet, the wonderful lady that founded and runs the kennels at S*N*O's main headquarters and is the backbone of the organization. I have since moved up to live next door and as her neighbor, continue to admire her for all the hard work and effort, that she puts in to making this rescue such a success. If you haven't gone to look at their site, please do at:

Since then I have had to retire because of a disability and have moved up to NE WA where I now reside with my 5 also retired Huskies and Mals, the newest family member is a rescue adopted from S*N*O . I'm hoping that together we can raise a great amount of donations this month for this worthy cause, because for every dog that gets taken in, there are aways more that still need help. I hope to do everything I can toward this goal and appreciate all your help and support.

Also hope to have more rescue tails for future posts, Thanks and let's all shop for the dogs!!, Carol


  1. Wonderful write up by a compassionate crafter helping the animals, we are so happy to have Carol in EFA, visit her wonderful shops, and support her charity of choice, SNO, see above ;)
    Michele, mvegan5

  2. Thanks mvegan, so glad I found such a great group to join with in helping the animals!!Only been here a short time and am meeting the most wonderful people!!I sure hope we can give a boost to S*N*O this month!!Carol,faeriegood and chicadolly

    Not only a passionate animal lover but also a very, very good craftswoman, with a very, very BIG heart. And so nice too!!!
    Good luck with your animal helping projects, together with the EFA which I'd like to join as soon as possible.
    e g l e


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