Saturday, August 02, 2008

Treasury server news

The following information has been posted on Etsy concerning the Treasuries. So, keep your eyes open for when the new Treasuries might be coming on line in about 3 days or so - think of the chance for more EFA publicity!

Good news! The Treasury is getting a significant server upgrade. The change is being made to address a number of key performance issues caused by record high usage. If the old server was a Honda Insight, the new server is a Tesla Roadster. Yes, it's very fast.

In order to make the change, we are temporarily suspending the creation of new Treasury lists. This will allow all the current lists to naturally expire in about three days. After all lists have expired, the server change will take place. The change itself will only take a few moments. If all is successful, the creation of new Treasury lists will once again be enabled, and we can all enjoy the new performance boost.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Long live the Treasury!

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