Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meet Dogonwear, the EFA chat coordinator

Note from me: As many of you know, Dogonwear - a.k.a. Gena - leads the EFA street team weekly chats in the Etsy Virtual Labs (Thursday 10:30 to 11:30 ET). She also coordinated the EFA quilt project. Here's a little bit more about Gena - in her own words.

Gena says:

I am a "30-something" Southern woman, my business partner is Joan, and we are a collective ALL handmade shop. We worked at the same company for several years, but barely knew each other. We shared a desk, Joan during the day and Gena at night, and we also shared a dream. Each dreamed that some day she would own her own business, but it was just that, a dream. Then one day Fate stepped into our dream and downsized us right out of our jobs and, out of necessity and our shared love for our dogs, Dog-On Wear was born. Now the dream is reality! (Be careful what you wish for - you might just get it!)

Now we have been in business for almost 4 years, running from show to show. We like to support charities that are actively finding homes for shelter/rescue dogs, such as the, and we have incorporated this passion into our business which led us online so we could display more pictures of adoptable dogs.

We heard about Etsy on early morning TV (I believe it was the Martha Stewart show). EFA was the first team I joined. I was quiet for some time just watching and learning my way around. Once I decided I could fit in there I jumped in with both feet and have been making friends ever since. I find myself checking my Etsy "convos" before I go to my own e-mail. I have now developed a network of people with a common interest: animals.

In response to Michele's question below, the greyhound is Yukon, a retired racing dog who is looking for a forever home, and the Fox terrier/Pekinese mix at the right is Gena's dog (and top model!), Jonny.


  1. Yay Dogonwear!!! ;0) Who are those cuuute models? Mvegan5 ;)

  2. And.. Gena is always ready to help anyone out. She's been great.

    Novel Arts

  3. So nice to hear more about Gena and Dogonwear -- love the story about how you all met up and started the business.


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