Monday, June 30, 2008

EFA July Project - for Dogs for the Deaf

THis month's charity is Dogs for the Deaf chosen by Dogonwear.

Dogonwear says :

"The doggies need blankets!!!!

We recieved a special request from a special place. Dogs for the Deaf have requested dog blankets and help in general. There is an overflow of strays right now, and these guys place them free of charge with recipients nationwide and in Canada. Your contribution to this project could make a HUGE impact in our helping them rescue unwanted dogs and train them to help others. With your generosity,you are doing so much more than just helping a stray, you are making an investment in developing an extraordinary life-long human-animal partnership and team.

So here's the deal: To whom ever wants to get involved… You can make this blanket from old clothes you were going to donate, or destash your fabric (come on, you know you need to), you may knit, crotchet, use fabric paint (non-toxic), fabric markers, quilt it, whatever your talent may be. It can be any size, as they help all sizes, you may send how ever many blankets you want. I would really like to make an impact… please don't be shy, jump right in with a big OL' "Can do" Please be sure to give it your autograph and include your shop name and addy somewhere on the blanket, and promote the Etsy for Animals team, as these doggies might get to take these blankies home with them.Doggie sweaters are also needed, sizes small-medium.

Those who don't want to do Blankets can do Toys:

Doggie toys are also on the list and are used for the enrichment, enhancement, and motivation of the dogs in training, including but not limited to; dog toys and treats, agility equipment, and outdoor play equipment. Same deal, include your name, shop name, and etsy addy.

Those who simply want to donate something to the Dogs for the Deaf Store to help them to raise funds can do that as well. Again, make sure you include your shop name, your name, and your shop addy… send business cards as well with the items you are sending in.

The lady whom we are working with is Pam Slater: you may see her postings from time to time on my blog or on Etsy (I'm gonna get her hooked) She is the Development Director, so please address all items like this :

Attn: Pam Slater
Dogs for the Deaf
10175 Wheeler Road
Central Point, OR 97502

Etsy For Animals
Your Name/Shop name
Your return address

Please keep us all informed about what you are doing, or mailing, please take pictures and let us know so we can pat you on the back and put you on a list of special people.

I thank you all so much for your help in advance, I know you all will reach out judging by how our last round robin project went. Fantastico!!!!!! Who knows what's happening for August?????????"

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meet Dogonwear, the EFA chat coordinator

Note from me: As many of you know, Dogonwear - a.k.a. Gena - leads the EFA street team weekly chats in the Etsy Virtual Labs (Thursday 10:30 to 11:30 ET). She also coordinated the EFA quilt project. Here's a little bit more about Gena - in her own words.

Gena says:

I am a "30-something" Southern woman, my business partner is Joan, and we are a collective ALL handmade shop. We worked at the same company for several years, but barely knew each other. We shared a desk, Joan during the day and Gena at night, and we also shared a dream. Each dreamed that some day she would own her own business, but it was just that, a dream. Then one day Fate stepped into our dream and downsized us right out of our jobs and, out of necessity and our shared love for our dogs, Dog-On Wear was born. Now the dream is reality! (Be careful what you wish for - you might just get it!)

Now we have been in business for almost 4 years, running from show to show. We like to support charities that are actively finding homes for shelter/rescue dogs, such as the, and we have incorporated this passion into our business which led us online so we could display more pictures of adoptable dogs.

We heard about Etsy on early morning TV (I believe it was the Martha Stewart show). EFA was the first team I joined. I was quiet for some time just watching and learning my way around. Once I decided I could fit in there I jumped in with both feet and have been making friends ever since. I find myself checking my Etsy "convos" before I go to my own e-mail. I have now developed a network of people with a common interest: animals.

In response to Michele's question below, the greyhound is Yukon, a retired racing dog who is looking for a forever home, and the Fox terrier/Pekinese mix at the right is Gena's dog (and top model!), Jonny.

Meet Midnightrabbits, our animal charity fundraiser coordinator

Note from me: Midnightrabbits (Kim) coordinates the requests that EFA receives from animal charity groups for handmade items to be used in fund raising activities. Kim lives in Wales and has seven cats and three dogs, as well as the five kittens and their mother that she just rescued. In addition to all her work for EFA, she also helps coordinate the AWBAR street team.

Midnightrabbits says:

For as long as I can remember I loved animals and abhorred animal cruelty. My late teen years saw me involved in peaceful protest groups such as anti-apartheid, then Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. Somehow I became vegetarian, which naturally developed into veganism a few years later. I studied Fashion design at college and loved finding and working in fabrics that were vegan friendly. I was and still am involved with my local animal rights group F.A.U.N.A - Friends of Animals Under Abuse. I helped them by making a huge banner for demos, and did lots of marches and demos in London to protest animal cruelty. I made friends with some wonderful people, and still keep in contact with them now. I admire their devotion to animals and their beliefs.

Since leaving college, I have worked freelance for TV and Film in costumes (of course) and in a theatre wardrobe department, where I got to make some fabulous elaborate costumes that I would never have done in 'real life'. Along the way I did the odd craft fayre and commission, but still had 'ordinary jobs' of varying sorts. The advent of the internet eventually led me to Etsy. I found it by chance through an internet search - this amazing place where artists could display and maybe sell their work.

Suddenly I was inspired to create again. I set up my shop. As most newbies do, I poodled around the forums, 'bumped' into some friendly veggie people, and somehow- not sure how- found EFA. EFA had not long set up, and the EFA shop was just forming. I loved it from the start. Here I could combine my two passions - helping animals and creating wonderful things. I've donated several items to the EFA shop, small bags and catnip toys.

I tend to make things that I like, rather than looking at what sells or is in vogue. I enjoy making things to send to the EFA shop and also for various animal causes that need items for their fundraisers. Since joining EFA, I've become an Etsy addict. I've joined several other teams, Cruelty Free Etsy, Vegan Etsy, UK Street Team, EtsyVeg, and one I helped to set up, AWBAR. I've met a wonderful variety of people who have become my Etsy friends. I've developed my computer skills with the help of these talented people and now have a blog, and yahoo and Flickr accounts.

I've recently taken in a stray mother cat who had 5 newborn kittens so the last 5 weeks have been hectic. She's a firecracker and I can't get near her, but the kittens like to play and are not so timid. They are now eating and have developed well, and mother cat is a little more chilled out with us playing with the kittens. We will soon get the mother cat spayed and put her back to where we found her (in a garden greenhouse) with a feeding programme in place, and find homes for the kittens. Fingers crossed it will all go to plan and end with smiles!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

AWBAR needs your help

This raccoon treasury by cynmb was dedicated to the animals at Abandoned Wild Babies Animal Rescue (AWBAR). Amanda at AWBAR is a committed wildlife rehabilitator who rescues and releases many young animals each year. The AWBAR Rescue recently lost 13 baby raccoons to a parvo outbreak - Amanda is working around the clock to care for the remaining raccoons and the other animals at the rescue. Medicine and veterinary care has been expensive, so Amanda would be very grateful if people could contribute to the rescue. If you cannot make a financial contribution, your thoughts, prayers and support would also be much appreciated.

AWBAR has an Etsy store, and all proceeds from purchases will go to help the animals. You can also donate items to be sold in the store by joining the AWBAR street team. New members are welcome - please see this Etsy forum thread, or contact midnightrabbits for more information.

Direct donations can be also be made via PayPal on the AWBAR website.

Thanks so much to all the EFA members who have helped Amanda!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Meet Haley of Haleyshandmades - our EFA webmaster!

Note from mishkat (Katie): Haley is the EFA webmaster. Although she works behind the scenes, she is an integral part of Team EFA, and contributes many hours of her free time to help maintain the EFA website. Take a look at Haley's website or her Etsy store to see her wonderful artwork - and check out her Flickr photostream to see more of her art and her beautiful animals: Sunny, a standard poodle, and Mollie, a red tabby.

Haley says:
When I was growing up in Austin, Texas we had a variety of pets. The menagerie changed but there were always standard poodles, cats, and a parrot. We also had a salamander once and horses for a time. My mother instilled in all of us children a love of animals. I took that love with me when I went away to college in St. Louis (Washington University). By then, my artistic talent had surfaced and I started making poodle art.

I'm quite sure my professors thought I was a little peculiar creating poodle prints and drawings. My favorite piece I made when I was a student was definitely "Poodles Crossing the Delaware." It's a huge 3 foot by 5 foot print of poodles fighting in the American Revolution based on the painting by Emanuel Leutze.

After I graduated from Washington University in 2005, it took me a while to find Etsy and to create more art. But I did work various jobs - including one at a print shop which helped me learn about papers, commercial printing processes, and accomplishing jobs quickly and well.

I adopted a cat named Mollie soon after graduation because I missed living with animals. A standard poodle, Sunny, joined us this last winter. We adopted him when he was a little over a year old and he's a great guy to go to craft fairs with, model for cards, and take walks with because of his calm personality. It's great to finally have a poodle of my own!

When I finally learned about Etsy in 2007, I was creating art again and had gotten married. It took me a while to learn about how Etsy worked. Michele (mvegan5) invited me to join EFA sometime during my Etsy education since I donate 5% or more of my poodle card price to my favorite animal charities. They are local shelters and rescue organizations I have personally dealt with.

It's fairly easy to keep the website updated and I love helping out EFA with any of their projects. All the members that I have ever corresponded with are wonderful people and truly love helping animals. They're a great bunch to work with!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Here's the Buzz!!!! LIVE Links on Etsy

It is worthwhile reading the newsletter that Michele sends around to all EFA members as it often reminds me of things I forget. Those charities I promise to send a donation of goods to, the challenge I need to enter, and so on. The most important one recently is this :-

"Etsy shop websites in your shop will now be a live link, so be sure to link to wherever you can, thanks ;)" Michele.

This means that EFA sellers (and all of Etsy) can put 'live' links in their shops and I think, profiles, to other Etsy sellers. This is great because it will allow people to link through to the EFA shop - one of the main focusses of EFA fundraising. If you have donated to the EFA shop, and with 500+ members the shop is actually fielding a nice range of stuff now (and providing great advertising to the contributing sellers), it is well worth putting up the EFA signpost in your shop announcement.

OK off to do it myself.....

Silhouettes - treasury

This is one of the most beautiful treasury themes I've seen. No prizes for guessing who the talented curator was... cynmb of course! :)

In my personal opinion, it should be on the front page!!

And without further ado, I present to you Silhouettes:

Thanks again for featuring EFA Cyn! :)


a llama, some rats, lots of blue, supporting causes and saving planets - Treasuries featuring EFA

Cynmb does it again with another one of her lovely Blue treasuries featuring EFA!!

Rats, rats and more rats! The whole place is filled with these little critters in SomsStudio's RAT! treasury which features our own little rat from the EFA store. Oh and she's looking for a Pied Piper, help her if you know one will ya! ;)

Copabananas give recognition to a few good causes supported by Etsy artists in the Support A Cause treasury. And the EFA store is one of the featured stores :)

Sparklejess gives a shout out to SAVE OUR PLANET, NOW!!!!! in her treasury featuring EFA and other teams which are helping the planet.

Here's A LLama, there's a llama and another little llama in Kodomo's super-cute Llama treasury.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all of your treasury curators featuring EFA! :)

Keep the clicks coming!! :)

Until next time... your treasury hunter,
Susmitha :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A new animal team - Team AWBAR

Many EFA-ers will know AWBAR and the work done by Amanda to save raccoons and other baby animals. If you are new AWBAR is Abandoned Wild Baby Animals Rescue - small but hard-working group focussing on saving those most defenceless of animals.

She now has an Etsy Street Team Team AWBAR a gathering point for people who want to promote, raise funds and generally help AWBAR.

Amanda works hard to help animals - she is at the sharp end saving small lives, lives that are the wild animals of the future that will fill local woods and forests, make a racket in the morning and generally let us know that all is well with the world. You can register for updates to AWBAR here.

Join the AWBAR Street Team if you can, and/or if you are busy, under pressure or just pressed for time try donating an item from your shop instead or sell something and give Amanda the money!!. Little things, large things, anythings that might help raise a money for the feed and other stuff Amanda needs to get these little lives of a fair footing to face our tough world.

Many regular EFAers have already begun to donate, I'm proud to make my own modest contribution.

Help animals displaced by the Iowa flood!

Update! The auction is live from June 25 to July 2 at:

Thanks to all the EFA members who have donated to help - you can see the list here:

Note: the following appeal is from Brooke Suchomel for the Iowa Flood Relief Auction. Please note that, because they need to raise money quickly, people who donate items to the auction will send the items directly to the auction winners. Deadline for e-mailing Brooke is June 21, 2008.

For more information - and other ways to help, please see Brooke's website at
(photo credit: Cedar Rapids Gazette

My name is Brooke Suchomel, and I am asking for donations for an upcoming auction that I've organized to raise funds for the animals displaced by the recent flood
in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

The Cedar Rapids Animal Shelter has been completely destroyed. There are hundreds of companion animals being housed in temporary evacuation shelters in Cedar Rapids. Many, many more animals are still stranded in the tens of thousands of abandoned homes. Support is desperately needed.

The auction will be held on our website at from June 25-July 2. All funds raised will be directed to a special "Friends of the Animal Shelter" fund via the Kirkwood Foundation (tax ID 23-7076632), which is the fundraising division of the Kirkwood Community College, currently serving as the temporary shelter for displaced animals.

If you want to contribute, please send an e-mail to iowafloodreliefauction [!at] by this Saturday, June 21. In the email, include your name, store name & website, a brief description and image of your donated item, retail value of item & suggested starting bid, and any other information you would like to promote your business.

For this auction, I'm asking that donors send items directly to the winner. I will forward winner name & contact information to the donor after the close of the auction on July 2. Please see our website at for more information, and a list of donors.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Lovin'...EFA Style! - treasury

Our eminent leader Michele (mvegan5) has grabbed a splendid Summer Lovin' EFA treasury filled with beautiful items from EFA member stores. Thank you oh exalted one! :D hehe


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

EFA Virtual Lab Chat - new time!

New chat time! The EFA Chat hosted by Dogonwear will now be held every Thursday at 10:30 AM Eastern US time in the Etsy Virtual Labs.

Click on the orange "Teams" room to enter, then click on a seat to sit down.

Stop by and say hello if you can.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Etsy for Animals June Challenge

Once a month "Etsy for Animals" (Artists Helping Animals) has a challenge for its members to help raise money for charities helping unfortunate animals. This month's challenge is entitled "JUNE BUG" and was suggested by EFA leader mvegan5 (click on her name to see her shop!) who spends many hours of her day recruiting and working hard for the benefit of these charities and the animals they represent. So on behalf of her efforts, the effort of Etsy for Animals and to help these creatures I adore so much, here's my entry for the June challenge. I thank them for the opportunity to help.

...and you thought this little sweety was looking at you? Nope...She's in a field of daisies having a "spring moment"... watching the clouds, the JUNE BUGS and catching a warm sunny breeze with not a care in the world. Lucky her! ALL animals should be this lucky. With your help though, they can be a step closer...all you have to to do is purchase this print "Flower Kitten" which can be found here: )...or another you prefer, from MY ETSY SHOP "Children's Book Illustrator, fArCiCaL fOLk aRt Creator, People and Pet Portrait Maker" at and I will donate 10% of the sale price to the animal shelter mentioned in my listings. This particular schmoopie's donation will go to the "Last Chance Animal Rescue" located near my studio. You can visit their shelter's website by clicking on the link here: but if you prefer a different print then you can click on any of my other listings offered and the charity your 10% will be donated to, will be in that listing.
All of the items in my shop are created by me and are either pastels, mixed media or some form of creative expression (how vague is that) and each and every one purchased will result in a donation to either "Last Chance Animal Rescue" OR "Horses Haven" in Howell MI. Visit Horses Haven link here :
So see? You too can help in the quest to make a better life for a deserving animal that never caused any harm to anyone and would just love the chance to watch the clouds and the JUNE BUGS while catching a warm sunny breeze on a spring day. Just like we humans get the chance to do...every now and then.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Please help animals in the Northern California wildfire!

UPDATE from Brownrose - Sunday, June 15 (cross-posted from Yahoo group)
Thank you everyone for your support and kindness. Four thousand homes are still threatened by the fire but the fire is now 45% contained and it is expected to be completely contained by Monday evening. So far 74 homes have been destroyed and more than 23,000 acres have burned. Many of the people who were evacuated are being allowed to return to their homes, however. All except one or two evacuation centers are closing down and the emergency animal shelter will be closing Sunday at 5 pm PST. Any animals not claimed will be sent to local animal shelters and services will be in place to reunite pets with their people.

The outpouring of support for all affected - people and animals - has been tremendous. The United Animal Nations and the US Humane Society provided additional supplies to the North Valley Animal Disaster Group. Hopefully soon this will just be a "remember when" story.

Original message - cross-posted from EFA member brownrose on the EFA Yahoo group. This is the Humboldt fire.

Hello All -
In the area of Northern California where I live, we are experiencing a massive, aggressive wildfire. Since starting Wednesday afternoon, the fire has consumed more than 20,000 acres. An entire town is threatened and 50 homes have been destroyed. So far containment is only around 15% with the winds - finally letting up, thank goodness - constantly changing the direction of the fire. Over 9000 people have been evacuated, many of them elderly. More than 500 animals are in the care of animal rescue organizations. Large animals are being housed at the Chico State University Farm.

Small animals are being cared for by the North Valley Animal Disaster Group. As of Friday morning they had over 300 small animals in their care. The number is larger now. They are stretched beyond capacity - of space, supplies, and funds.

I know money is tight for everyone these days. But if you can give anything, anything, it would help. The fire still rages. No one knows when these frightened animals will be able to be returned to their owners and hopefully their intact homes.

Please check out the North Valley Animal Disaster Group at for information or donations.
[Note: they accept PayPal donations.]

Even if you can't help financially, please send Light and good thoughts to these animals and their people.

Thank you.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fundraising for 501c Status

Update: We've reached our goal - thanks to everyone!
Help Etsy for Animals get non-profit status!
We need $500 to file for non-profit / tax-exempt status.
How are we fundraising? How can you help out?
  1. Donating items to an EFA shop section earmarked for this purpose. If you would like to contribute an item for this purpose, please contact elephantdance by convo.

  2. EFA quilt project led by dogonwear. For more information, see this Etsy forum thread, or contact dogonwear.

  3. Matching grants. A grantor pledges a given amount of funds that he/she is willing to match for every dollar that is donated. If you are interested in becoming a grantor, please contact elephantdance by convo.

  4. "Donate a Latte For A Day to EFA". Direct donation by EFA members and friends. If you have paypal funds that you would like to donate, please contact elephantdance by convo. Otherwise, donations can be made through the link below, or through the PayPal link on the EFA website. The first $50 has been matched by a grantor from the matching grant program above.

Bugs, Pups and Hippopotamuses - 3 New EFA Treasuries

Everyone can see that bugs can be fun in tackybackintime's ""JUNE Bugs"" treasury.

Check out the super-cute puppies in naidandia's "Guaaaau!!!" treasury.

Rebeccajaynedagger shows her love for hippos in her "hippo loving" treasury.

Thank you all so much for featuring EFA in your lovely treasuries!! :)


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kays's K9s - Vegan Needle Felting

I have some GREAT news for Vegans and those who are allergic to wool! I am now offering VEGAN Wool-Free Needle Felted alternatives! So, my vegan friends and those suffering from wool allergies can now purchase Custom Order Needle Felted pet sculptures, magnets, brooches, keychains, and purse clips - all wool free! I use fibers such as soy silk, bamboo, cotton, ramie, nylon, and viscose in my vegan needle felted creations. Please visit my new "Vegan" section of my Etsy store!

As always, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Ontario SPCA and local animal shelters. I also sponsor shelter dogs. For a picture of the current sponsored dog, please visit my blog.

Vegan Custom Needle Felted Sculptures
Vegan Custom Needle Felted Magnets
Vegan Custom Needle Felted Keychains
Vegan Custom Needle Felted Purse Clips
Vegan Custom Needle Felted Brooches

Monday, June 09, 2008

A Series Of Fortunate Events... umm I mean... Treasuries! :)

Another Treasury jackpot day for EFA!! :)
Here are a whole bunch of beautiful treasuries featuring Team EFA and the EFA Store...

My most favorite one is created by a person who constantly creates great EFA treasuries - cynmb. This one is of a theme close to my heart, it's called "Beatles songbook".

And here's yet another beautiful "Blue" treasury created by cynmb. Thanks again Cyn!!! :)

Looks like these two ladies had bunnies on the mind at the same time! :)
Fuzzybunnystew and safarilee created "little bunny foo foo" and "bunnies and birdies".. two super-cute collections!! :)

Backroomtreasures rightly recognizes "It's a Zoo in here! EFA Team" and this zoo is full of adorable critters!! :)

And finally, a treasury expressing true "animal love" by EnchantedFoundlings...

Thank you everyone!!! EFA and the animals love you all!!! :)


Whatever You Are Pendant for EFA June challenge

This little soldered collage pendant is my entry in the EFA June challenge. On one side it has ladybugs made using embellished stickers. (I added the details.) and it says, "Whatever you are be a good one." The other side has a harlequin cutout design and the words..."Expect miracles".

100% of the purchase price will be donated to the EFA charity of the month. I hope you like it!

Check out this item in jcollander's shop:

Friday, June 06, 2008

Cutesypoo - EFA featured in blog

Cutesypoo has featured EFA and Michele in her awesome Blog.

Thanks Cutesypoo!! :)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Cards for a Cause - treasury

AndreaStamps has put together a lovely treasury collection of cards from various etsy sellers. All or a portion of proceeds from these cards go to charity. 3 Baby Giraffe Cards by Michele from the EFA store has been featured :)

Thanks Andrea!! :)

- Susmitha

Artists who give back - Treasury

Thisisit has created a beautiful treasury honoring etsy Artists Who Give Back to charity. EFA has been featured in it :)

Check it out!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

EFA Roundrobin -Join in!

Round Robin for EFA TEAM!!! Organised by Dogonwear Make a quilt block - no don't be scared ANYONE can be involved.

Here's what Gena has to say :-

This quilt will be very special, because everyone will have had a hand in it.

Each member who chooses to get involved will have 4 weeks to complete one 12" + 2"border quilt block. This quilt's them is "EFA" so each Block will be fashioned that way…
the letters E F A doesn't matter how you do it,be as creative as you would like on your 12" block but please keep the borders clear for adjoining to the next block.This quilt's color scheme is "Bold" so please think "Bold" when
choosing fabrics from your stash to use.I'll say it again, it's your block, get as creative as you would like as long as the Letters "EFA" appear within your 12"

On the bottom of your side of your block, in the border area, only the top inch portion, please include your name, and your Etsy Shop address. Again, get creative, you can use iron-on lettering, beads, embroidery, appliqué,fabric paint, whatever you choose to use please make sure it will hold up with the many years of love this quilt will bring to the person who purchases it. On the back side of the block please include the charity you choose to support through your shop and your Etsy store address . Please be sure to
stay off the border section on the back side.

When your block is mailed it must be completed, it must be quilted and squared and ready to be assembled into the quilt. (P.S. if you don't know how or don't like to quilt you may be able to network a friend within the group to help you, teach you, or maybe complete that portion for you)

All blocks will be mailed back to Dogonwear aka Gena, then it will be assembled into the final quilt and be posted in the blog for all of us to see. Also it is up to each individual to take photos of their block for the blog… A special page will be erected (as soon as I fined help with it…LOL) for the quilt blocks to be shown as they are completed. It should be lots of fun to see them show up on line and then see your block combined into the quilt.

The Quilt will be sold to generate $ for promotional items for the EFA team. Of course with a hefty price due to all of our famous signatures as prized #1, fabulously creative world-renowned Artist.

Please represent your talents, draw, and paint, sew, express yourself but please make sure it is permanent. Depending on the amount of Blocks we receive will determine the final size of the quilt or # of quilts!

12" Block means it should be 12" in length and width, making a perfect square. Then add a 2" border all the way around. Add batting and a backing… please leave enough batting to run to the edges on all sides border ( so cut the batting at 14") Do not quilt the Border! Just add your name and shop addy in the bottom top inch portion (this means you have a 12"x1" Space to use. Be sure to leave the bottom inch loose for adjoining .
to the next block.

These Blocks are special – you may want to get a tracking number I will send each of you a convo in Etsy to let you know it has been received

Please send your questions to Dogonwear through Etsy. Please see this thread

Valuable Publicity

Michele, our heroine, has done it again!

Spotting the number of duplicate sellers in the Pet section of the Gift Guides Michele approached Etsy and asked if these sellers could be slimmed down and space made for EFA's fundraising items. Bless their little hearts they did too!! Kudos to Etsy for their humanitarian heart. It's a small, encouraging, and very human gesture to make in the direction of a charitable cause.


I include some links to encourage you to check out the Pet Gift Guide items. No, not all EFA-ers but a peephole into this amazing category that I encourage you to book mark for ideas. I had not realised that this section was a great place for themed presents - now I know!!

Amazing bed!

Delightful print

Cool pet carrier

Here's the link to the Pet front page and here to the gift guide generally.

AMENDED VERSION ** Attention ** EFA Web-Chat Virtual Lab rooms

OK this is a new venture for us all at EFA a live chat in the Virtual Labs at Etsy. Times are on Wednesday 7 June at 10 am and 8th June at 9 pm.

Please support this or they won't let us do this again for ages :-(. We need fifteen folks to do this so, please, don't just think other people will do this, if you don't they might not, lazy huh? And think about it ....... don't you know that it's just amazing to be able to grab a hold of this technology and USE IT for ourselves.

We owe a big than you to Dogonwear for taking on the organisation of this. She has worked hard organising times, dates and liasing with Etsy.

You don't have to stand up and make a speech, just come along, say hello and support this new venture.

Cats and Mice... and other cute critters

I managed to grab a Treasury while I was logged into the EFA Store account! :)

Now let's click and comment and bring it to page ONE!! :)

For The Love Of Cats and Dogs - EFA Treasury

A most adorable kitty and doggy EFA Treasury created by Meezette. Check it out and show it some love!!

Thanks Meezette!! :)