Thursday, May 22, 2008

A thank you to EFA

The Yahoo group recently received this message from Sarah Maki and it is addressed to all the EFA-ers who sent her items to help with the Sasha Farm Silent Auction.

As you can see, it made one hell of a difference and goes to show that EFA can make a difference all over the world. SASHA Farm has just launched a blog too which they hope to keep updated, add it to your RSS feed here.

Sarah Maki says :

First, let me apologize for the delay in posting this long overdue and very sincere thank you. My husband and I are in the process of buying our first home and every spare moment has been dedicated to packing and translating real-estate speak into English =)

THANK YOU so very much to all the EFAers who dontated items to the SASHA Farm silent auction. The evening was an enormous success (we came close to doubling last year's numbers! Close!) and all night long I heard commments like "wow, look at all of the amazing stuff!" and "this is so much cooler than the last one!". People were just blown away by the awesome items that you guys and other generous donors sent.

At the risk of sounding like a super cheese ball, I'm truly touched at the generousity of the EFA. You guys sent me handmade items from all over the world and I think it is so incredible that you're willing to give your time and resources to a place that you may never even visit. (And if anyone is ever in Michigan, DO visit, it's amazing!)

On behalf of the animals whom you've helped at SASHA, I'm sending big hugs to everyone who helped make this years auction such a great evening =)

-Sarah Maki

PS. the email address for the auction is a temporary one which will be suspended, so if you need to reach me please email me through this board. I always respond to email, but please be patient, I'm going to
be a very busy lady for the nex month or so!


  1. thanx for stopping by
    I'm adding this link stop by again soon

  2. So nice! How great that EFAers come together from all around the world to help animals!!!!
    Michele mvegan5


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