Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Treasury - Summer

Bethgumnick is celebrating because Schoooooool's out. for. summer!! with a bright, fun and summery EFA treasury.

Tanks Beth!! :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Thank you from Rolling Ranch to EFA

Those of us who donated to the Rolling Ranch Charity of the Month appeal will be totally thrilled to read this note from them thanking us for the donation. It's responses like this that make time crafting to raise funds, and time spent on EFA stuff as a volunteer, so worthwhile.

Steve Smith of Rolling Ranch writes :

Ellia, thank you so much for your fabulous donation for the animals! Alayne will be sending you a thank-you letter, but in the meantime please know how very grateful we are for your gift for these special animals at the ranch!

I don't know if you saw this already on our blog, but I wrote a post about two blind Poodle sisters we brought in from Texas a few weeks ago. They are so very sweet and adorable. It really is because of amazing supporters like you that we can say `yes' to girls like Molly and Priscilla.

Here's the link to the blog post about them:

Steve Smith
Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary
Blind Horses
Blind Appaloosas

REMINDER :- Mishkat is now keeping a tally of all monthly donations AND donations you make to your own nominated charity if you would like to let us know. Convo her via her link at Etsy or here.
They've done it again!

WHSKR has created a combined EFA and AWBAR treasury called 'If I Had A Talking Picture'.

Cyn has created another one of her 'Lovely' treasuries.

And Tagscats has featured EFA "For The Love Of Animals" :)

Here they are, please show them some love :)


Thank you ladies!! :)

List of animal places looking for item donations

When sending donations don't forget to include a few business cards or flyers on who you are and what you do. Most organisers want to know value of item to gauge their auction/sale. I have included all the info I have to date, and will update this list as I gather more info. If you have an event that is looking for items to be donated to an animal fundraiser, please email me at: or convo me at
Please note that I have no involvement with any of these Animal Places/Charities and do not endorse them, the details are added on trust from info submitted by EFA members. If in any doubt, please check out them out.

*EFA member It's Meow or Never Animal Rescue & Sanctuary ( needs you! We are having another auction since the first one went so well but we haven't come close to our goal of opening an adoption center so we can help more animals that need us. We need any homemade items you have or can make for us. If you have an item to donate, we would love it and the animals here would hug you if they could. Our mailing address is: It's Meow or NeverPO Box 733Woodinville, WA 98072 The deadline is September 20th for items to be donated. Thank you so much for your help!
****Alaska SPCA needs ongoing donations for their thrift shop.
In return for donations to their thrift shop, they will add a live link to their site. Include some business cards with your donation. Send items to:
Every Dogs Delight
PO Box 91934
AK 99509

any questions convo Andrea at

*****Cocker Spaniel Rescue of New England.
Visit for further info. They are holding their Eleventh Annual Joey Fund Auction. Items needed. This takes place on Sunday 19th October 08 .
Donations to be sent to:
Jane Morgan, CSRNE Volunteer,
C/o Artworks
261 Park Ave
Worcester, MA 01609
From EFA member Amanda of http://awbar.etsy.comI am having AWBAR's 3rd Annual Gift Basket Raffle! If anyone would like to contribute the baskets, please send me a convo or email for my mailing address! I will need to know a value on your items you send so I can keep tally on how much goes into what basket! I ask that all contributions be mailed before October 31, 2008.There will be a first place prize worth $100 second place prize of $50 and a third place prize of $30. Tickets will be $1.00 per ticket, or 6 tickets for $5.00, to be returned by I November 14, 2008. You can buy as many tickets as you like, even if you contribute to the basket(s)! The drawing will take place in November 15, 2008. I will post the photos of the baskets, as well as the names of contributors in AWBARS Blog! For last year's winners and basket photos please check out AWBAR's blog at

******* S.O.A.R. (Southern Ontario Animal Rescue ).
Further details can be found at
They are hosting a silent auction at their Christmas Party on 29th November 08. It is going to be like a kids party only for dogs. (sounds like fun- Kim) and would like items to auction. They would like anything with a DOG or CAT theme.
Also they have a small online store and would appreciate donations with a DOG theme for the store.
Your donation can be sent to:
Southern Ontario Animal Rescue
c/o 14 Bingham Road
Brampton, ON
L6V 2K1
********Dogs for the Deaf needs items for their store. check out:
Etsy contact for this fundraiser is
Send donations to:
Attn: Pam Slater
Dogs for the Deaf
10175 Wheeler Road
Central Point
OR 97502


Farm Sanctuary is hosting an upcoming "Charity Buzz" auction online, a "Party for the Pigs" to benefit the Midwest Flood Survivors and a "Compassionate Holiday Benefit" in NYC. Each will feature fabulous auctions to benefit our work and help care for the sanctuary residents. We need YOU to help secure items to raise the vital funds needed. Art, vacation packages, special services, jewelry, and unique memorabilia all welcome. Farm Sanctuary requests that all contributions (gift certificates, gift baskets, jewelry, art, etc.) reflect a farm animal-related theme, and that art intended for wall hanging be framed.Please contact ChloƩ Jo: or 917-885-4863

Date to be confirmed

Monday, May 26, 2008

EFA's International Charity of the Month - help for Burma/(Myanmar)

Littlestuffedrabbit - a member of EFA (who also does a neat line in unique vintage buttons) submitted her choice for International EFA Charity of the Month WSPA Canada

This choice could not have come at a better time for the suffering animals in Burma/(Myanmar) as WPSA is currently raising funds to help the animals there. As you will know from the news recently the authorities have finally relented and are starting to allow aid agencies into the country - so WPSA wants to help.

WPSA is obviously thrilled and raring to so. Their website says :-

"WSPA’s emergency response team has been given permission to enter Myanmar and begin delivering aid to the animals affected by the cyclone.

We will be delivering 31 tonnes of animal feed, and our five-strong vet team will arrive on Monday and Tuesday. They will be working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to ensure feed gets to the animals that so desperately need it.
"We can't wait to get in and start delivering aid to animals ......... "

For the full story click through to their website and donate.

OK better get myself off to try and sell on Etsy so I can make a donation myself!

Internet what? Hit that radio button!!

One of the up-coming things to hit the internet at the moment is Internet Radio (live broadcasts by small groups or individuals) - like podcasts only * live *. While it will take time to sort out the stayers from those just passing through radioland, there are some pretty respectable shows that broadcast regularly and one that mentions EFA is Vegan Radio who broadcast alternate Thursdays at Noon EST (which is US Eastern Standard time - with podcasts for those who can't tune in).

At show 58 this means Vegan Radio are established as a show and have a regular following with a variety of links to allow listeners to subscribe, plus anyone who mentions Etsy for Animals must be cool right?

If any EFA members hear of Etsy for Animals being mentioned on a podcast or Internet Radio, or on a blog, convo me (Whskr) or post on the Yahoo group if you are a member. I will put a mention here on the blog and a link to your shop as a thank you.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A thank you to EFA

The Yahoo group recently received this message from Sarah Maki and it is addressed to all the EFA-ers who sent her items to help with the Sasha Farm Silent Auction.

As you can see, it made one hell of a difference and goes to show that EFA can make a difference all over the world. SASHA Farm has just launched a blog too which they hope to keep updated, add it to your RSS feed here.

Sarah Maki says :

First, let me apologize for the delay in posting this long overdue and very sincere thank you. My husband and I are in the process of buying our first home and every spare moment has been dedicated to packing and translating real-estate speak into English =)

THANK YOU so very much to all the EFAers who dontated items to the SASHA Farm silent auction. The evening was an enormous success (we came close to doubling last year's numbers! Close!) and all night long I heard commments like "wow, look at all of the amazing stuff!" and "this is so much cooler than the last one!". People were just blown away by the awesome items that you guys and other generous donors sent.

At the risk of sounding like a super cheese ball, I'm truly touched at the generousity of the EFA. You guys sent me handmade items from all over the world and I think it is so incredible that you're willing to give your time and resources to a place that you may never even visit. (And if anyone is ever in Michigan, DO visit, it's amazing!)

On behalf of the animals whom you've helped at SASHA, I'm sending big hugs to everyone who helped make this years auction such a great evening =)

-Sarah Maki

PS. the email address for the auction is a temporary one which will be suspended, so if you need to reach me please email me through this board. I always respond to email, but please be patient, I'm going to
be a very busy lady for the nex month or so!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An appeal to EFA - Long and important for dogs in Ohio.

OK EFA-ers this is a long post, mostly from Dawn who needs as many people as possible to write (yes I mean joined up writing NOT emails) to your representatives if you are in the USA and write as an out-of-towners if you are not. I have put small elements in bold (my bold not Dawn's) that are important if you are rushed. Then take five, sit down with a pen, paper and stamp and save a dog's life - read the paragraph in BLOCK CAPITALS - this is true - these days people realise that if someone sat down and wrote a letter (which takes time) then they mean it!! If Representatives start getting letters - they sit up and take notice!!!

Dawn says :-

Dear Friends,

I found out yesterday that a Bill has been proposed by Ohio Representative Tyrone Yates that would prohibit ownership of pit bull type dogs in the state of Ohio. Within 90 days of the proposed Bill being passed as law, all guardians of these dogs would have to turn them in to be euthanized. I happen to have a "pit bull type" dog myself....he is currently snuggled in his favorite pink blankie on the sofa. If this Bill passes I, and thousands of other responsible dog guardians, will be forced to move out of Ohio in order to keep our dogs safe.

Please see the email from Shana below for information about how to contact your representatives about this proposed ban. And please do check out the article for more information on the ban, and why such bans do not work and are not necessary. Stricter laws are needed to punish irresponsible dog guardians. Bans don't work. They alienate the responsible guardians and drive dog fighters further underground. Punish the
deed, not the breed.

As you read this, please keep in mind that even if you're not big on pit bulls, breed specific legislation is a danger to *all* dogs. There have been bans proposed in other areas against shepherds, labs, even pugs! Not to mention that fact the if all a dog has to do is *look* like a pit bull, many non-pits will be euthanized as well. Volunteering at the Ashtabula APL I see first hand how any dog with a wide head and a big smile is thought to be a pit, even by the dog warden!. Ontario has had a ban like this for a while, and apparently it is a nightmare to be a dog guardian there now. People can't walk their big-headed purebred labs down the street without being harassed.

And, honestly, you don't even have to *like* dogs to see the dangerous impact such a ban would have on our personal freedom.

Please do spread the word about this atrocity in the making. Feel free to forward this email or post from it on blogs, forums, anywhere you can reach people that can help. And above all, please use the instructions below to contact your Representative and let him or her know that you oppose this Bill.

Thank you,

To see a copy of the Bill, please visit:

We heard from Webster's Aide earlier today and she indicated that the
Bill has been assigned to a committee. Until I am informed of the
committee considering the Bill, there are a few things each of us can
do. Please DO NOT WAIT to do the following: please remember to be
polite and respectful in all correspondence!

Ohio Residents:

Contact Your House Rep as follows:

(1) Draft a PERSONALIZED LETTER to your house representative. Ifyou do not know who your representative is, please visit here:

In the letter, indicate that you are a constituent, that you oppose Bill 568, that you will leave Ohio if this passes (if that is
the case) and that you want your representative to oppose the Bill.

Please try to send this letter out immediately.

(2) Call your representative to express your opposition and to urge your representative's opposition. Tell him/her that you will fight this all the way. Remember to leave your name, city of
residence and phone number. You will most probably get your reps voicemail. Please plan what to say prior to making the call.


(3) Send an e-mail to your representative urging him/her to vote
against the Bill. Tell him/her that you will leave Ohio if this

***For additional talking points for your letters, please visit:

Contact the Leadership: (contact information below)

(1) Use the LETTER you sent to your representative and revise it
slightly. Although you may not be a constituent, leadership has a lot
of power and expects to hear from the residents of Ohio. So, please
send letters.

(2) Call each member of the leadership. You will probably get
voicemail but please leave your name, city of residence and phone
number. Please plan what you will say prior to making the call.

****At this point, we do not want emails sent to leadership.*************


Out of State Individuals Wishing to Voice Opposition:

Until we determine to which committee the Bill has been assigned, if
you would like to voice your opposition, the best thing to do is to:

(1) Send LETTERS to House Leaders (contact info below) and voice
your opposition.

(2) Call the leadership and leave messages voicing your opposition.

Leadership Contact Information:

John Husted
Speaker of the House
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 644-6008
Fax : (614) 719-3591
Email Address:

Kevin DeWine
Speaker Pro Tempore
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 644-6020
Fax : (614) 719-3970
Email Address:

Larry L. Flowers
Majority Floor Leader
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 466-4847
Fax : (614) 719-6958
Email Address:

Jim Carmichael
Assistant Majority Floor Leader
77 S. High St
12th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 466-1474
Fax : (614) 719-0003
Email Address:

Michelle G. Schneider
Majority Whip
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 644-6023
Fax : (614) 719-3589
Email Address:

Shannon Jones
Assistant Majority Whip
77 S. High St
11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 644-6027
Fax : (614) 719-3967
Email Address:

Joyce Beatty
Minority Leader
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 466-5343
Fax : (614) 719-3581
Email Address:

T. Todd Book
Assistant Minority Leader
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 466-2124
Fax : (614) 719-6989
Email Address:

Fred Strahorn
Minority Whip
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 466-2960
Fax : (614) 719-6940
Email Address:

Mike Foley
Assistant Minority Whip
77 S. High St
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 466-3350
Fax : (614) 719-3910
Email Address:

Shana Klein, President
P.O. Box 19081
Cleveland, Ohio 44119

Soopa! - EFA's in a treasury!! :)

Cynmb has done it again!! :)

She's put EFA in one of her cool treasuries. This one's called Soopa.

Check it out!

Thanks Cyn!! :)

A poetic blog for you to check out

I cam across this blog on my travels around the net and immediately added it to my RSS feed. Why? It is a beautiful and poetic record of the lives of some ginger cats - which will appeal to a lot of EFA-ers. Click here and do as I did - it is regularly updated but not daily so not a burden - it is simply a delight to see. Look

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Treasury - go pink for the animals

This is one beautiful Pink Treasury by alteredgirl featuring beautiful pink creations from EFA members.

Thank you alterdgirl!! :)

Click on the screen capture image of the treasury to be taken to it:

Shelter Dogs Rock! Sooo Please Adopt Me! by InaBit

The inspiration for this collage came from one of my dear customers. She works in a dog shelter and has a deep love and compassion for canines that need a good home. I too understand this need and am donating 10% of every sale to a local animal shelter here in Maine.

This print image measures 7.5" x 9.5" with a white border for framing. All on a 9” x 12” slightly ‘linen-canvas textured’, soft sheen paper. Prints are signed and dated at the bottom. They are wrapped in tissue, then shipped in a mailer between two matt boards. (A pendant of this collage will be coming soon!)

Thank you for coming to my shop. Your support of my work is greatly appreciated.

Treasury Hunter Chronicles... ;)

So yours truly was hunting for treasuries featuring EFA so they (and curators) in turn could be featured here in our EFA blog (check previous post), et voila! the blue box decided to grace me all of a sudden at treasury west! =D

And since I'm the Treasury Zen Ninja Master (hehe), I grabbed TWO treasuries.

One from my personal artbysusmitha account called 'Cruelty Free INC' which is mainly a Cruelty Free Etsy treasury featuring EFA in it.

And one from the EFA store account, and this one I am particularly proud of, called 'animaLurveeee team EFA'.

Please click on the screen shots below to be taken to the treasuries and show them some love :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Treasuries Galore!!!

EFA has hit the treasury jackpot!! We have 5 awesome treasuries featuring our store and we have these wonderful people to thank for it....

Cynmb got us TWO treasuries!! One at the main treasury - 'Cats' and one at treasury west - 'purple' :)

EnchantedMistress created 'adorned by animals' featuring animal bling!

Soulfulhues has featured an EFA tem in her beautiful treasury filled with blues.

And finally, our very own Marjorie of WHSKR has created an EFA treasury 'Giving it 100'

Here are the screen shots (click on them one by one to be taken to the treasuries):

Please show all these treasuries and the store curators some love!! :)

How to Become an Author of this Blog

To become an author of this blog, please convo elephantdance or LolaLynn on Once your request is processed, you will receive an author invite from blogger.

Why would you want to be an author?
- To enter the monthly challenges!
- To post relevant information about etsy and animals.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Green and Peace

Here are some great new items from EFA members who have donated to the EFA shop

These sterling silver chandeliers feature prasiolite (green amethyst), peridot and tanzanite in peaceful sway.

Sterling Art Deco fans dangle saucer periodot rondelles sandwiched between tanzanite faceted rondelles or bracketing a green amethyst wheel with sterling silver french wires.

Daffodil Drops

These citrine drops offer subtle shine from clean, faceted stones and are lightweight enough to wear for days.

Various sized, faceted citrine stones alternate with small sterling balls, all dangling from sterling silver french wires. There are two sway points, one from the bottom of the french wire, the other includes only the small citrine rondelle at the every end.

Our next artist featured is julep115:

Peace is the Word ring- is fabricated out of half round wire 1/4" wide ,it is sterling silver that is handstamped with the word "peace". julep115 will do custom sizes, this one is a size 7.

And we can't have Peace without Love:

Give five times the love with this band! Sterling silver band is handstamped with the word "love" five times! Has red epoxy resin accents between each word. Has shiny polished finish on outside and a satin finish inside the band. This is a size 8.

Allow 4-5 days before shipping on custom sizes.
Metal used is from ethical sources and is MADE IN THE USA

Another fabulous donating artist is :

What's more peaceful than Buddah?

Buddah Buddies Earrings

These fun earrings feature tiny ceramic laughing Buddha beads in blue robes. Sure to be a conversation piece! Ear wires are sterling silver. Length: Approximately 1 inch

And for the sweetest dreams:

Modern Day Dream Catcher Earrings (Orange)

Spiral chandelier earrings of sterling silver with orange seed beads are fun statements! They are sure to keep you from bad dreams. Surgical steel earwires.

(Upgrade to Sterling wires is available)

Length: Approximately 2-1/2 inches.

And last (certainly not least!) is teenytinytantrums

1 Inch Green Is Good pin

Go green! Green is good!
1 inch pin All pins come packaged up all cute and ready for gift giving.

And also:

1 Inch Stop Making Trash pin:

1 inch quality-made pin telling us to "Stop Making Trash!". I have these pinned on all of my reusable grocery totes. Make a silent statement with this little baby.

Be sure to shop the EFA shop and check out these artists, too!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Policy Page Update on Etsy

This is the start of a very important article that has just appeared on Etsy's News pages. It is something that every seller should take note of as it is in our best interests to promote ourselves to the maximum on Etsy. I know Michele will ensure that the EFA store policy is up to the mark and I advise you to the same.


Dear Sellers,

We're all very excited to introduce the newest shop feature: The Shop Policy Page! Currently, most sellers post their shops' policies in either their shop announcement or profile, but we figured these areas can be better utilized for other your bio or promotions and news about your shop; it's time to give policies a special home. We hope that adding a new feature like this will help the communications between buyers and sellers, making transactions smoother and easier. Now there's a clear place where buyers can look for extra purchase guidelines and info, and sellers can worry less about any important information going unnoticed.

There are now links to your Policy Page from your main Shop page, right in between the link to your Profile and Favorites. Also, a link to your Policies will be included in each listing in your shop. You can edit your Policy Page from the Your Etsy page.

We are not requiring that sellers enter information into their Policy Pages; we welcome users to post their policies wherever they like. But we encourage it! Here is an introduction to the Shop Policy Page as well as some tips on what to consider when creating or modifying your shop's policy.

The following sections are available on the Policy Page; if you do not enter information into the section, its heading will NOT appear on your shop's Policy Page:

1. Welcome
Here you can welcome buyers to your policies; feel free to talk a little about your shop and your handmade or vintage items and supplies. Keep in mind that this is a buyer's first impression of your customer service. A message to let users know about your philosophy and creative process would be a great thing to include in your Welcome section.

2. Payment
Use this space to notify buyers of your shop's accepted payment types and deadlines for submitting payment.

3. Shipping
This is where to explain how you ship your items and when, if you offer upgrades or other options and what to do if a buyer has special shipping requests.

4. Refunds and Exchanges
Let your buyers know whether or not you can accept returns or exchanges on some/any/all of your items and if they have a time frame for contacting you regarding a return. If you do not offer refunds for shipping errors (ie. getting lost or damaged in the mail), this is a good place to mention that.

5. Additional Information
Do you welcome wholesale and consignment inquiries or custom Alchemy orders? This is the place to let everyone know! If you have any other tidbits that didn't quite fit into the other sections, go ahead and add them here.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Paws for a Cause Auction

Paws for a Cause Auction
Myspace Glitter Graphics

Its Meow or Never a no-kill shelter for animals that is running an on-line auction in August 2008, and it now has a web page where donations have been put up on display.

Check out the donations made by EFA members including DesignbySunzeri whose work I have bought and which I can verify is lovely. NanjoDogz who makes the most beautiful things, and LizzieJane whose cupcakes are fiberlicious! If you want a new website try LabybirdDesigns who has generously donated a heap of prizes to this wonderful cause. They also have soy candles and CATNIP!!

I'm proud to say my donated pin will be heading off today! If any EFA or an Etsy seller wants to donate then check the information HERE!

MEOW ME!!! - treasury featuring EFA

Very cool Treasury featuring EFA by retroattack.

Thanks retroattack, for featuring us!! :)

Cruelty Free Treasury featuring EFA (thrice!)

Midnightrabbits has created a beautiful Cruelty Free Treasury at treasury west.

She's one of our very active EFA members and in this treasury she had dedicated the whole top row to items from the EFA Store.

Here's a screen shot of the treasury (click on the image to be taken to the treasury):

Thanks midnightrabbits!!! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ollie's Place News

On 15th April I posted here on the Etsy for Animals blog, an appeal from Ollie's Place for funds to help them stay open at a time when they were in danger of going under.

Well, if you click the link now you will find their good news! Ollie's Place is going on. If you gave - then thanks a million.

Please read here and if you don't smile with a full heart - shame on you!!

Doggie Treasury Featuring EFA members

Lisa of cblandcompany has created a woof-a-licious Treasury fully featuring items from EFA members.

Thanks Lisa! :)

Click on the image below to be taken to the treasury:

EFA featured in Treasury - blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hehe

Treasury featuring an item from the EFA store by rebeccajaynedagger (psst, she has some cool stuff in her store). Click on the screen shot of the treasury below to be taken to it.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Treasury - Vegan Etsy Team

Roni of DaisyWares has created a beautiful Treasury called Vegan Etsy Team.
She has featured an item from the EFA Store in it.

Here's the screen capture of the treasury page. Click on the image to be taken to the treasury:

THANK YOU Daisy Wares!!! :)

Thursday, May 08, 2008

New EFA Treasury - Basic Instinct

I was logged into the EFA store account when there was an opening at Treasury West. So I immediately grabbed it :) Here's the screen shot, including the alternates.

Click on the image to be taken to the treasury page.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

EFA hits The Storque!

EFA has been the subject of a feature in Etsy's on-line magazine The Storque (author Whskr with assistance from Mishkat) and is well worth a read as it provides a snap shot of our fantastic Street Team and showcases the EFA shop. We have hundreds of members who are spread around the world, meet some of them here.

There is a selection of EFA-ers items on how as well as links to a host of interesting places and people.

Check us out!

Check out a couple of EFA mentions!

EFA loves making it on to blogs and online publications. Here are two more and they both look really nice.

Publicity that focusses on EFA is always good, especially for people who contribute goods to the EFA store (I can vouch for the quality of EFA jewellery - my DesignbySuzeri necklace is awesome - simple, elegant and marvelously wearable!!!)

OK on to the important stuff - Love, Pixel the clean elegant and refreshing blog of Pixel by Pixel Etsian extraordinaire, has done a nice write up on us, and you get what looks like a preview of the EFA key rings we all hope to buy to pass on to our customers and spread the Etsy word!

Second heads up is Lily and Tulip a new one for me but one I recommend you add to your RSS feed they have a nice focus on EFA.

So, check them out and, if you can, leave a comment as when people say nice things EFA gets the warm fuzzies and people look at the good work we do for animals.

If you focus on EFA in your blog, or find a mention of, let EFA know - via a comment here on the blog, the Yahoo group or via the EFA shop contact email.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

A call for EFA help with an On-Line auction

We have received an appeal for help with an on-line auction.

Hi, this is Layla and I am the chairperson for the 2008 Annual Online "Paws for a Cause" auction to benefit It's Meow or Never
Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, a 501(c)(3), non-profit, no-kill organization.

At It's Meow or Never Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, we have a goal of raising $150,000 from this event. These funds will allow us to open an adoption center in the local area which will allow us to rescue and rehabilitate more animals in dire need.

We would love to have you help us with our auction by donating a gift certificate, product or service for our auction. We just love craft items. In exchange, we can provide advertising on our auction web site with a link back to your company web site. Additionally, we can provide a tax receipt for your donation.

If you'd like to contribute to our auction, please note that it will take place in the August 2008 timeframe. As such, we'd like to
request that gift certificates and tickets reflect an expiration date of December 2008 or later.

Our mailing address for donations:

It's Meow or Never
Animal Rescue and Sanctuary
PO Box 733
Woodinville, WA 98072

We hope that you'll take a moment to help us with this very worthy cause!