Monday, March 10, 2008

A plea from jenrosesegrest - Save Seals!!

This was posted on the yahoo group and I think it deserves wider attentionvia the blog. From jenrosesegrest

Noted fashion photographer and "America's Next Top Model" host Nigel Barker has joined with The Humane Society of the United States to stop the cruel Canadian seal hunt. He's designed his own T-shirt to raise awareness of the hunt and has been wearing it everywhere -- from Fashion Week to the red carpet. In early March, he traveled with The HSUS's ProtectSeals team to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and photographed the wonder of the harp sealnursery. Now he's holding a contest to see who can get the most people to sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood. There are great prizes (a signed photo, the exclusive T-shirt, and more!) but the real prize is ending this pointless hunt once and for all.

Why boycott Canadian seafood? Seal hunting is an off-season activity for Canada's commercial fishermen, who earn a small fraction of their incomes from killing baby seals for their fur. That's why a financial blow to the commercial fishing industry's seafood exports is key to bringing about an end to this vicious slaughter.

I hope you'll sign the pledge and then tell more friends. The contest ends at midnight EDT March 24, so please take action
right now. Thanks for joining me in ending this cruel hunt. Here is the link:

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