Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Silent Auction Appeal for SASHA Farm

El at tantalizingstitches has been sent the following appeal and Etsy for Animals sellers are already springing into action - please join them. Any Etsy sellers (EFA or not) who would like to donate to the Silent Auction fundraiser please read below, it has all the information you need, where to send, who to contact.

One thing from a store - your store - might mean another animal is helped - medical care paid for, food purchased, a life saved.

Silent Auction Fundraiser for SASHA Farm in Manchester, MI

Deadline: received by April 12, 2008

What to donate: anything vegan (no leather, wool, bone, feathers, etc)

Please send inquiries to Sarah Maki, the organizer. She can be reached by sending a message to this yahoo group or by email at

This is the information El has received from the organizer, Sarah Maki:

Hello crafters! I am organizing a silent auction fundraiser for SASHA Farm in Manchester, Mi. SASHA currently houses over 200 animals, each one with their own unique story. We have abandoned cats, rescued dogs, a steer who escaped the slaughterhouse and ran amok over downtown Detroit, retired race horses, pigs and goats from soft-hearted 4H kids, a little of everything! We provide food and shelter, medical care, and all the love and attention an animal could ever want for each of our residents.

Obviously, food and medicine for 200 farm animals gets expensive, so we hold fundraisers like our annual banquet and auction. Which is where you, my big-hearted crafters, come in. In past auctions, handmade items have generated huge bids. Who does handmade better than anyone? Etsy of course!

All items donated are tax deductible, SASHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Your store name and web address will be listed on the donor list that is part of the evening's program and also posted on the SASHA site after the auction so that auction attendees can find you. I will display each item with any business cards or signage you send.The only guidelines are that all items must be vegan (no leather, wool, bone, feathers, etc)and I must receive all donations by April 12 of this year. For more info about the farm or the auction, you can contact me at, or check out our website at

