Thursday, November 08, 2007

EFA Treasure Hunt - Notice to EFA Street Team Sellers

Etsy for Animals is planning a Special Promotion and we need the
help of our EFA Sellers to make it a big success.

WHAT : EFA is recruiting sellers to take part in a Treasure
Hunt to encourage sales before the Christmas Holidays. This will
consist of a simple clue left in each store to be found by
visiting 'hunters'. First one to find a set number wins the goody
basket with spot prizes for the unusual names that will be hidden,
and found, first.

SELLERS RESPONSE: We need your agreement to take part - and
brief item donation details- ONLY by Monday, November 12 midnight
Etsy Time
(i.e. the time in New York City) - we will try to
accomodate late comers. It's important we get an idea for seller
numbers to administer the treasure hunt.

WHEN: The treasure hunt will be on the 17/18th of November,
the week-end before Thanksgiving.

HOW: Particpating stores donate an item and become part of
the Treasure Hunt. Each store will be given a short text clue to
hide either in their store front page or the text of one of their
store's 'Featured Items', let's not make this too easy! Buyers will
be encouraged to collect a number of names from the stores and the
winner will be the first person to collect a given number of names.

WHAT DO I DO NOW? If you what to take part email us at
efapromo [!at] with TREASURE HUNT in the subject line. We will
be in touch very soon with further announcements and details,
including where to send the donated prizes.

Majorie and El