Thursday, September 13, 2007

art by Susmitha: store spotlight

art by Susmitha is a great supporter of animal welfare. Currently, Susmitha is donating 10% of her pendant sales to the EFA Charity of the Month. She has also recently donated her Crush On You Earrings to the EFA Store, where all proceeds less transaction costs are donated to the EFA Charity of the Month.

Her business is located in India, where she creates unique handcrafted beads and jewelry. At her store, she offers unique beads, pendants, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces with a great selection of colors, texture, and shapes. She is a Reiki practitioner and charges all gemstones in her jewelry with Reiki energy to enhance the stones' metaphysical properties.

Her shipments generally take 15 days to reach her customers.

Besides being an EFA Street Team member, Sustmitha is also a member of the LMJA (Laughing Muse Jewelry Artisans) and TBO (Tranquil Beading Oasis).

See her online showcase and read more about her work at