Thank You
WildLife Welfare
nominated by Veronica of ScrappyRat
All month long our Charity of the Month has been WildLife Welfare- we've seen on a week to week basis through our features what a challenge it is and how much dedication it takes to be a wildlife rehabber.
Here is a testimonial from the EFA Member who nominated WW... Veronica of Scrappy Rat has this to say about her first hand experience with this organization:
Here is a testimonial from the EFA Member who nominated WW... Veronica of Scrappy Rat has this to say about her first hand experience with this organization:
"I used to be a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and worked with Wildlife Welfare. They were so nice and helpful, they do so much to help injured and orphaned wildlife. They need support because most of the rescues that used to help wildlife have switched to only helping birds, so without WW, most of the the squirrels, opossums, and other mammals wouldn't have anywhere to go for help. I rehabbed the sweetest little newborn deer mice with their help. So small, yet they got strong and grew and grew. It was an incredible amount of work, but they're such beautiful tiny animals.
original note cards by ScrappyRat |
I'm so grateful to the people who rehab. I don't have the health to do it really, because of my spine disease, but I know how much work it is. It's rewarding, but its also heartbreaking at times. Plus it's an endurance test, in a way, with sleep deprivation being the order of the day. Feedings every 3 hours means you're really only sleeping about 2 hours on, 1 hour off, and if you're feeding a lot of animals, it can mean even less sleep. When they grow up and you release them, it's the best feeling though...
Wildlife Welfare is a group of really good people working super hard to help these little creatures. I'm so impressed with the people I've met from their group."
Thank you, WildLife Welfare for all that you do to help the woodland critters that need rescue !
A note to those peeps and/or EFA members who need or want to send in a donation to WW- the links are below... WildLife Welfare now accepts PayPal for our convenience.
Be a COTM sponsor... with a minimum donation of $10- you'll get a complimentary etsy mini on our website. Also dont forget to report your donations to Team EFA so that we can include your hard earned dollars into our team's donation odometer.
"giving wildlife a second chance"