Saturday, March 30, 2013

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Moose's Law: Don't Give Animal Abusers the Chance to Do it Again

New Jersey lawmakers are considering legislation that would ban those convicted of animal cruelty from owning a companion animal or working in an animal-related field ever again. It would also give public and private businesses the tools they need to run background checks to ensure they aren't employing an abuser, in addition to making a public list of offenders for anyone who adopts or sells animals to check. 

Please sign the petition asking New Jersey Senators to help keep abusers away from potential innocent victims by supporting Moose's Law.

2. Support Emergency Action to Save Mexican Gray Wolves

March 29th marked the 15th anniversary of the Mexican gray wolves reintroduction to the wild.  Yet even after all this time, there are still only an estimated 75 in the wild, with another 300 in captive breeding programs. Wolf advocates fear for their future with so few in the wild and are urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to take immediate action to keep these wolves from going extinct. 

Please send a letter to the Fish and Wildlife Service asking it to release more wolves, complete the recovery plan and establish more populations of Mexican gray wolves in the wild.

3. Tell the USDA to Do Its Job Help Nosey the Elephant

Animal advocates have been fighting to help save Nosey, but the USDA just gave Hugo Liebel, her owner and abuser, a slap on the wrist. Just before Liebel was set to face a hearing this week for 33 violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), the USDA announced it had reached a settlement. Instead of revoking Liebel's license and handing down a maximum penalty of $330,000, the USDA settled with the agreement that Liebel would pay a meager civil penalty of $7,500 and cease and desist from violating the AWA. Sadly, Nosey is the one who will continue to suffer. 

Please send a letter to the USDA expressing your outrage and asking that the USDA confiscate Nosey immediately.

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Quick Hello - Good bye Tour of CedarHill's Little Cats

A Quick Hello - Good bye Tour
of CedarHill's Little Cats !

Photos courtesy of CedarHill & SharonFoster
Italic text by Jan Swoope: read more

There are close to 200 domestic cats that reside at CedarHill Animal Sanctuary... and although March is rapidly coming to a close- its never too late to say a quick "miow miow" hello to the domestic felines that grace the premises with our Charity of the Month...
"The domestic cats of Cedarhill are, in general, divided between two houses, one for senior and disabled cats, and another for the junior residents. Inside, cats of every hue and pattern sleep on "people" beds and sofas that no one will ever shoo them from."

"Each cat is spayed or neutered. Their facilities are outfitted with climbing towers, pet beds and plenty of cat doors to the sun porch and large yard filled with toys. Visitors are showered with all the feline affection one could ask for."

"Like the big cats, their stories are often heartbreaking. Some have diabetes, some are blind or have neurological disorders. But each has a name and is cared for daily."

There is no doubt in my mind that CedarHill Animal Sanctuary is an exceptional place for rescued animals to live out their days in peace and with love & affection. 

THANKS CedarHill for all that you do !