Tuesday, June 28, 2011

July Monthly Challenge Theme: In the Deep Blue

July’s Monthly Challenge Theme
In the Deep Blue

This upcoming month’s theme is “In the Deep Blue, so choose an entry from your primary EFA shop with an ocean or sea influenced theme and enter, enter, enter !

There are many wondrous creatures in the ocean to inspire us...

Sea Creatures

Come along, come with me,

Take a dive in the deep blue sea.

Put on your gear, let’s explore

All the way to the ocean floor!
See that snail wrapped in curls?

Look! An oyster wearing pearls!

Watch the octopus oh so dark,

But don’t you dare to pet the shark!
Dive on down, seaward bound,

Motion in the ocean is all around!

Dive on down, seaward bound,

Motion in the ocean is all around!
Now we’re very far below,

The lantern fish are all aglow.

Is that a tiny shock you feel?

You just met an electric eel!
Giant blue whales start to stir,

Bigger than dinosaurs ever were!

Wave good-bye to the squid and sponge,

This is the end of our deep-sea plunge!
Dive on down, seaward bound,

Motion in the ocean is all around!

Dive on down, seaward bound,

Motion in the ocean is all around!

So what are you waiting for ?

All entries need to be tagged “teamefadeepblue” without the quotations and sent to Jessicalynneart.

Remember, when we've received sixteen qualifying entries they will be entered in our Challenge Competition where the winner will get a free one month advertising slot on either the EFA website or the Challenge blog, winner’s choice, for the following month!

We are now taking entries for July's 'In the Deep Blue' and will accept entries until July 7th!

For further instructions on entering the challenge, check out this link:

For further instructions on how to tag your items, check out this link:


Heather of TheBlueWindmill

Monday, June 27, 2011

Success: Bunfest 2011 !

News Flash !
Bunfest Deemed a Success

Humane Society of the Treasure Coast

Sara Kyle reports:

"Bunfest 2011 was a HUGE success !!!!!!!!
We raised over $800 for the rabbits!

We got into two news papers and had over 300 people at the event! I groomed over 42 rabbits, this was the first year we had it so next year bigger and better and we have learned from our mistakes this year. We hope that you will want to participate next year too!

You can check out the photos on are facebook page www.facebook.com/humanesocietyTC I am posting the photos as they come in under “bunfest 2011 album: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150277046471963.375016.273333851962

Thank you again for your support!!!"

Sara Kyle
Humane Society of the Treasure Coast

Woohoo... Love getting good news, don't you ?

Here are some examples of what EFA Team members donated to BunFest:

Polymer Necklace
by CoutureClay (aka PoSHGallery)

Sterling Silver Carrot Necklaces plus
Carrot Cell Phone Blings

by CocoNme

Decorative Clay Rabbits
by WovenDreams

Rabbit Notecards
by TheBlueWindmill

Bundles of Apple Wood Gnawer Sticks
by brizel4TheAnimals

If you made a donation to Bunfest... don't forget to report its value to Team EFA. You can do so here: http://efaartistshelpinganimals.org/shopdonation.htm


web page www.hstc1.org

facebook http://www.facebook.com/humanesocietyTC

(sarah on fb) www.facebook.com/sandeyfeet

sarah's email skyle@hstc1.org