Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Charity of the Month: HSMO

From Michelle of;

When I read the article in TIME about the Humane Society of Missouri's
amazing rescue of over 500 dogs (who later gave birth to 100 puppies)
from a fighting ring-- the largest dog rescue in U.S. history!--I
wanted to find a way to help. When I saw the individual portraits and
descriptions of some of the rescued dogs (mostly pitbulls), it broke
my heart to think of them being tortured.

I have wonderful memories of living with a sweet pitbull named Tondu
who was the most loyal friend-- and biggest lapdog-- anyone could ask
for. When we went camping by the river, he would whimper when he saw
me go in the water and would jump in after me to "save" me. When I lay
down to rest, nothing would make him happier than to climb up on top
of me; he never understood why he wasn't a 2 lb puppy anymore, and I
always felt sorry for having to push his hulking body off of me so I
could breathe!-- and yet, here I see pictures of pitbulls with
mutilated limbs that needed to be amputated, dogs missing lips and
ears, and some dogs too scared to even come out of their pen:,29307,1942909,00.html The
thought of someone doing that to Tondu is too much.

The Humane Society of Missouri (HSMO) has the daunting task of taking
care of, rehabilitating, and finding homes for hundreds of tortured
dogs. To make matters worse, it takes a real animal lover to adopt a
previously tortured pitbull, but most animal lovers already have a pet
and/or children-- and a rescued fighting dog can not be adopted into a
house with other pets or children. This seriously slows down the
process of finding loving homes and a happy ending to this story.

The GOOD NEWS is that many of these dogs are able to be rehabilitated
and can be adopted-- some were immediately sweet and affectionate to
their rescuers!-- and some dogs, like Big Red (pictured here:,29307,1942909_2005482,00.html)
already "scramble into any available lap"! However, the HSMO Animal
Cruelty Fund needs all the help we can give. That's why I am so
thrilled that HSMO is the Etsy For Animals' January Charity of the
month! Please consider donating the sales from some of your artwork
for this cause, and spread the word!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Shared by

Shared by


I learned about this grand campaign for finding shelter pets a home. That is it.... promoting shelter pets so you can find them and they can find you and together you can save each other. Fabulous!

Please take the time to check it out. There are some fun commercials and informative links.

Also if you know of an organization that is interested in joining this cause you can sign up HERE.

A warm place to sleep, some food, and love is all they ask for. Most of us have all that we just need to add the pet :D

Thank you."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The charity that will benefit from the EFA/To Happy Vegans Tombola is...

It's the Year of the Tiger;
The charity that will benefit from the EFA/To Happy Vegans Tombola is;
Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary

"Better to light a candle for one lost animal than to curse the darkness of man's indifference. Saving just one animal won't change the world, but it surely will change the world for that one animal. Without us, they have no voice. REMEMBER PLEASE, deep inside the heart and soul of every stray is the ultimate desire to be loved."

"Until there are none....rescue one"

C. Kay McElroy, Executive Director of Cedarhill

From, who submitted this charity to benefit;

Over 300 animals claim Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary in Caledonia, MS as their forever home. Kay McElroy started the sanctuary when she rescued her first big cat at age 42. Now 65 , Kay has built a beautiful secluded sanctuary for little cats, big cats, pigs, horses, dogs, wolves and about every animal that you can imagine and some that you probably can't even think of.

Kay has been on dialysis herself for over 18 months and her personal struggles with pain only make her more empathic to the animals that she rescues. Cedarhill is a big lovely place with large open air enclosures. One of my favorite things about Cedarhill is that Kay and her staff provide toys (big toys) for even the tigers. She cares for the animals' overall well-being with items that stimulate their mind and bodies. There are lovely ponds, swing sets, room to roam, and other animal pals for them to live out their lives in safety and peace. Mississippi State University has a veterinary school only about 40 miles away and the soon to be vets get hands on training with the huge variety of animals. This is not a zoo - it is a sanctuary in the truest sense of the word. Local Boy Scouts have built wolf enclosures.

Arthur the pot-bellied pig is one of my favorites. He has no idea that he is a pig. He is quite the character. Please visit him and all the other animals on the Cedarhill website..

~ Sharon Foster

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 2010 Charity of the Month

Humane Society of Missouri

Submitted by Michelle of; "I am moved to nominate the Humane Society of Missouri's Animal Cruelty Fund even though I live in Berkeley, CA, because I read about their incredible rescue in TIME magazine of 500+ dogs from a fighting ring -
the largest dog fighting rescue in U.S. history. The Humane Society of Missouri is in dire need of support from animal lovers and charities as they seek to find loving homes for and rehabilitate these tortured creatures."

"Since 1870, the Humane Society of Missouri has been dedicated to second chances. We provide a safe and caring haven to all animals in need - large and small - that have been abused, neglected or abandoned. Our mission is to end the cycle of abuse and pet overpopulation through our rescue and investigation efforts, spay/neuter programs and educational classes. We are committed to creating lasting relationships between people and animals through our adoption programs. We further support that bond by making available world-class veterinary care, and outstanding pet obedience and behavior programs."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

From EFA member, Marilyn

From EFA member, Marilyn of;

I am Marilyn R. Meier-O'Brien and I have a sanctuary in my backyard. This started twenty years ago, when my mom first spotted two ducks fly into our front yard. She fed them, and they came back every year. I do not know what first brought them to our home. They feel safe and relaxed and enjoy themselves.

We have always been here for a stray or whatever bird, animal, came to our yard to help them or feed them.

About 3 years ago, I noticed two ducks (Mallard + Drake), come and just sit in the yard. I would have just ignored them except that I had a birdbath that I had given my mom as a gift and they would sit around it all day or stand in it. They are clean and never cause me any trouble. They would stay all Summer and Fall and Winter. One late Fall I felt badly because they weren't leaving my yard and they really had no food, so I researched and I found that ducks like whole kernel corn. I went and purchased a bag of whole kernel at a local feed store. I also picked up peanuts, garden seed for the other birds and animals. I just couldn't feed one and forget the others.

Now they are happy creatures, and I love to watch their unguarded antics because they feel safe with me. The last three years, they stay almost all day in my yard and all the creatures get along fine (a lesson for humans). The only problem now is I have to feed them, otherwise they would starve. It is a harsh winter in Wisconsin and I was told they stay all winter because of the lakes.

I was amazed, one day I was driving to do errands, and the ducks were flying low next to my car. I actually couldn't believe it. It seemed wherever I was the ducks weren't far from my car. I finally got home and opened my car trunk, and they started coming down around me. I stood in a flurry of ducks all around me. I called our Vilas Park and the lady said, "they think of you as their mom". I felt like Doctor Doolittle or the Pied Piper. I walk right in the middle of them and they gather all around me. I believe it is like the cranes that go to Florida from Wisconsin with a leader of a human being. It is amazing to have this connection.

The squirrels and birds are the same way. Robins gathered last year here prior to their flight south. I have blue jays that come and get (steal) a peanut right in front of me.

I am just pleading with all people in the world who would like to have me continue helping these animals to donate for my cause. Michele Erez is helping me with this because I am not a tech. Any donations can be made through paypal, so that the voiceless ones will have food all year long. The squirrels need peanuts and I get the saltless, sugarless dry roasted ones. They go through 1 bag a day.

I pay $7.37 for a 50 lb. bag of whole kernel corn; they go thru 4 bags a week and 10 bags of peanuts a week at $3.99 a bag. I also purchase 2 bags of bird seed a week at $3.98 each.

I wouldn't ask for help, but I am on disability and a limited income. I have painted (Candy & Dandy-my ducks) and my squirrels, and the images are available on t-shirts. All of my work is on linked to etsy and Michele is also on etsy

Please feel it in your hearts to help these creatures and help me to help them get thru the cold Wisconsin winter. It is appreciated.

Very sincerely, Marilyn R. Meier-O'Brien

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