Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Note from Nakisha

From Nakisha, EFA's former webmaster, a wonderful rabbit/animal artist helping animals;;

"Last month because of a generous purchase I was able to donate to my favorite charity, Rabbit Haven. Rabbit Haven is a non profit in Washington state that cares for abandoned and neglected rabbits. They have a huge barn where the bunnies are housed and survive entirely on generous donations. Like many rabbit rescues they are promoting the "make mine chocolate" campaign for Easter, reminding potential rabbit buyers that rabbits are a 10 year commitment, not a gift that can be discarded after the holidays."

You can read more about them on this website-
and the make mine chocolate campaign-

Monday, March 16, 2009

DebbieB's Cat Rescue Story

Hi Michele:

I have a little story I’d like to share with you, and you can post it on the site if you wish. I donate a fair amount of money to the SPCA and the Humane Society, but recently I had a chance to do something more concrete.

I have five beautiful ferrets, so I always thought it would be difficult for me to adopt a stray cat or dog. But for three nights in a row, a little black and white cat cried at my back door. I fed her, but I was afraid to let her inside in case she brought disease or harmed the ferrets. But the weather was well below freezing, and I finally decided I had to invite her inside.

Sadly, she was already pregnant, so I made the difficult decision to have her spayed, aborting the kittens, because there are already far too many unwanted cats in the world.

But she immediately settled in and was deliriously happy to be here, and I love having her. And one of the most fun things is watching as she learns to play with the ferrets.

Fortunately, ferrets cannot catch feline distemper, so I didn’t have to worry about that; she didn’t have fleas or ear mites, but she did have skin mites, so everybody got treated for that.

Her name is Camille (Cami for short), and she purrs every time I go near her. At night she sleeps on my bed, and during the day, when the ferrets are sleeping in a drawer, she sleeps next to them.

It is such a joy to know that I rescued this sweet little cat from cold and hunger, loneliness, and repeated unwanted pregnancies. And she has brought so much laughter and affection into my life.

I’ll attach a couple of photos of Cami with the ferrets.

Best wishes,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pets and People Non-Profit Animal Shelter, Yukon, OK

As you can see, there is plenty of fun to be had at Pets and People, a non-profit animal shelter located in Yukon, Oklahoma. Pets and People takes in animals from kill shelters on the date they are to be executed and gives them a home until they can be placed into a loving, forever home of their very own. We love visitors at Pets and People. The kittens will pull you up a chair, the dogs make sure the orphaned kittens are presentable for prospective adoptive families and there is plenty of playing and fun to be had by all.

If you can't come by and see us in person or adopt an animal, you can visit us on line. In 2008, 1800 cats and dogs were rescued from kill shelters and given a second chance by the volunteers at Pets and People. The goal for 2009 is 2500!

Pets and People is operated on donations from caring people like you. We know that you get requests all the time for money for worthy causes--we just hope you will send some of it our way! Even $10. would mean a lot (but we will take whatever you have-the kittens are greedy little eaters-lol). Visit the Pets and People website or come by the shelter and play! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Shared with us by; and

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Little Studio Photography and Jewelry Charity Donations

Every month my store, Little Studio Photography and Jewellery ( gives 10% of the sales before taxes and shipping to a pre-chosen charity of the month. Sometimes it is for a human charity, so to make sure the little critters are still getting help, I also have a section in my shop called "Charity Promo Items" These Items are items that will give to one specific charity instead of the charity of the month - anywhere from $5 to 1/2 the purchase price will go to a specific charity, such as the Lanark Animal Welfare society (, The Country Cat Sanctuary (, the Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (, Epic Farms (, or others. The first three are local animal organizations and are dear to my heart for the great things they do in my community, Epic Farms is a fellow EFA member that has become a friend and favorite of mine to help out when I can.

Meghann Gervais
Little Studio Photography & Jewellery
See our Regularly Updated Blogs!
Jewellery at:
Fibromyalgia Diaries at:
Low Allergy Recipes at:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Urgent Request for Item Donations to Help Greyhounds

On Sunday, April 19, 2009 Greyhound Pets of America (G.P.A.) - Tampa Bay will hold its 8th Annual “Run With The Big Dogs” charity event (See attached flyer). All proceeds raised by this event will directly support G.P.A. efforts to foster and find good homes for retired greyhound racing dogs from Derby Lane dog track. They are in desperate need of help from the crafting community because the event is just around the corner and they have not received enough donations to fill their gift baskets. Items are also in need for the silent auction... we're running out of time, so please hurry, all items need to be in the mail no later then 3/27. The greyhounds need a comfy home to retire in... won't you help? and

Please send all items to;
Greyhound Pets of America P.O. Box 8071 Madeira Beach, FL 33738

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Atlanta Animal Welfare Committee Art Fundraiser

Atlanta Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) is having an art fundraiser for free spaying/neutering/vaccinating of pets for neighbors in need. If you are interested in donating a piece of art or design for this fundraiser, we would be very grateful.

The art show will be at Kirkwood Gathering Grounds coffee shop in Atlanta, GA from April 1- 28. The opening will be Saturday, April 4 from 7-9 pm. For each work in the show, there will be a bid sheet with a suggested minimum bid determined by the artists. The bidding will remain open throughout the exhibition.

All proceeds will go toward spay/neuter initiatives for neighbors in need. If you are able to donate, your donation will be tax deductible, as the AWC is a 501(c)3 organization. Just let me know the value of the piece and I will provide you with a document for your tax records. If you are interested in donating, we will need to get the following from you between now and March 25th:

- Name
- Bio
- Title of work
- Medium
- Dimensions
- Starting bid
- Digital image for artist bio/bid notebook
- Retail value of the work for contribution letter for tax deduction
- The work itself, preferably ready for hanging/display

In just the last few months, AWC has spayed/neutered and vaccinated over 60 animals for neighbors in need. We have also built enclosures/pens to get 6 dogs off chains, and we rescued 10 strays and found homes for them. Your participation will allow the group to continue this work.

Thanks much and let me know if you have any questions,
Felicia Holden

Saturday, March 07, 2009

EFA Team Store Final Tally

Hey everyone!

I've finally been able to clean out the EFA Team Store. During the course of the EFA Store, we were able to raise $6206.14 for the animals. In our last month (December), we were able to raise a total of $494.54, $444.54 to Its Meow or Never and $50.00 to The Philadelphia Community Cats Council. With everything 50% off, you can imagine just how much we sold that last month :)

I've also sent about half of our remaining inventory to the Alaska SPCA, which has a brick and mortar store, and the other half to Creative Animal Relief (the org that Tammy, Gena, and I have created).

Let me know if you'd like to join our group:
You can subscribe to our newsletter here:

I'm unsubscribing to this google group but feel free to contact me directly at

Thanks again!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

From EFA member, Ruby and Bee Boutique

From EFA member,

My pal Casper is in desperate need of help. Casper is a one year old Pomeranian who was born with a heart condition called Severe Pulmonic Stenosis. This can only be treated with a successful surgery. Casper had this surgery in September 2008, but it was a failure. The surgery costs $3500 and Casper’s family needs help raising the money. As of today, we are about $2000 away. The hospital will not even schedule the surgery until the money is there. I am donating ALL profits from my Etsy site to Casper: Other stores helping are and

If you are interested in donating, please do so by contacting the hospital:
352- 294- 9894 (make sure to tell them that the donation is for CASPER SANTOS Account number- 241807)
or if you like you can make a check to
P.O. BOX 100121
(make sure that on the check it says that it's for ACCOUNT NUMBER 241807 and its for CASPER SANTOS)
Check out Casper’s blog at:
Check out Casper’s Dogster page at: