Thursday, July 31, 2008

A little bit fabulous

Cyn borrowed that title for her treasury and I'm now borrowing it from her for the title of this collection of EFA featuring treasuries :)

So we start with Cyn's truly fabulous treasury "A little bit fabulous"
This one Cyn personally requested me to add to the blog and she's never done that before despite the many many EFA treasuries she's created. So it's obviously a treasury very close to her heart. Any any treasury important to Cyn is automatically important to us! :)

Cyn also has one at Treasury West and the theme is a fun one "Faces"

cricketappollo convoed me with a link to "EFA collection for critters". It's a beautiful treasury full of earthy colors and textures.

And finally another "Bindi's BNR" by ShaggyChic. This 5th in the series has a MINTY FRESH theme.

Please support all these treasuries.

-Susmitha :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

EFA Artist Interview

Sometimes we hear about one of EFA's worldwide members who make a splash, a success, or whose achievements are notable for their courage in overcoming obstacles and difficult odds. One such is EFA member Marilyn R O'Brien who recently held an exhibition at the Eastgate Theatre, Madison, and also promoted EFA, having the EFA handouts on her table alongside her works of art. I asked Marilyn about her art, her struggles, and the courage and inspiration she finds around her, including her love for her beloved dog Fritz. Marilyn is honest, gracious and courageous - this is reflected in her interview.

What was it like doing a one woman show in a public space and how did people respond to your work?

I had a ball, although a bit tired and ill at times. My artwork is my passion and I loved showing it. People loved it. I sold 5 pieces and had many hands to shake and had almost every person tell me how beautiful or nice, or pretty or lovely my work is. I started painting initially as a means of coping with grief at my father's death - the results stunned everyone (except my Mom!)

Animals form an important part of your output, and your Etsy store has some lovely images. What is it about animals that you find inspiring.

First of all, thank you for the compliment. It just doesn't matter, it's what I feel at the time. I am pro-any animal or bird. I speak up because they need a voice. I am thinking of a baby Harp seal now, polar bear, rabbit. Everything I do has a reason and the story is within the painting. I am particularly proud of my work on Fritzi who is the subject of a book and portraits in my Etsy store.

Thinking about inspiration - does any artist or medium inspire you. Do you look up to any painter or sculptor in particular?

I had a huge set of National Geographic coffee table books of all the artists, and I lost it in a flood and I can't find another set. I reflect on the tragedy of Vincent Van Gogh who had to die before he was popular. (He only sold one painting in his lifetime), and I really don't want that to happen to any artist. I am inspired in some way by all artists. I am constantly studying new techniques, and gosh there are so many! Michaelangelo, Picasso, etc., even my first art teacher. I see many on Etsy who inspire me with their huge talent.

How long have you been an artist, and do you have a favourite medium you use?

I have been an artist in my mind (see profile for details) since I began puberty but it really wasn't noticed until high school. I was 14-15 years old. I took a college art examine and had 2 wrong on the test which placed me as a junior in college. Then I lost the use of my dignity not my spirit when I sexually harassed by my first-line supervisor. 6 months later my mom I lost my Mom - I was her care person (long before the term was invented!) and I spiralled into a deep depression (PTSS). In 1993 I lost the use of my right (dominant) hand and I couldn't paint until I found a doctor who believed in me and I undertook my own therapy, it took a year for me to make significant progress, but now I try to paint one work per week if illness doesn't keep me down.

I actually can paint in every medium (except water color). Right now it is Oil Paint.

How did you discover the Etsy website?

I research all the time to get my work out into the world and I usually "bump" into a program and research. On Etsy it's the chat line, the artists, and team EFA. Michele Glick especially has encouraged my work. I want to be appreciated and what I do helps me to finance my life work. I am an artist not a tech and but Etsy has been good to me. I sometimes wish they would advertise more for us sellers. Like many I am a lousy marketer, although I hope my work hopefully speaks for itself. I just keep researching. I am lucky I found Etsy. I have a person now called Shannel who advocates for my handicap. Sadly, she is leaving soon and my worry is being alone but Etsy takes away the feeling of isolation with its inspirational and lovely words.

Do you have a quote or saying that you value that you would like to share?

There are sooo many! It's funny you ask because I wrote down about 400 of them and I use them in my greeting cards. I would have to give one "If God is with you, who can be against me..." that is just one. I know that frightens some people and some don't like to hear that but that is what I go by.

Finally, of all the images in your shop, which would you take with you to a little desert island to hang on the wall of your island home?

Without a moment's hesitation is Fritz. I wrote a story and painted a picture of him - it took me a couple of weeks because he wouldn't sit still! Fritz was a pedigree Pekingese and our pet for 19 wonderful joy filled years He reminded me of the joy my beloved my parents instilled in me, to love the little animals and birds who can't speak for themselves (although my parents used to wonder were I found all the homeless little one to bring home!)

When I came home after a rough day out in the world where it seemed no one cared about their fellow-man, I could pick Fritz up and feel comfortable that the tiny and sweet, ball of fur would give me respect, trust, and unconditional love. Fritz always made me feel better. We both knew we loved each other. Here's to you little one--I believe you are romping with glee and making everyone in Heaven love you- until we are together you will always be in my heart.

That is why I would take my painting of Fritz with me. I had a warm bundle of pure devotion, trust, love with a silence between us that was all we needed to speak. His face and eyes were of an old soul. Such a happy spirit. I grieved many years for him because he was so special.

4 live, 1 not - all beautiful!

After my long weekend I was treasury hunting today for EFA and was blown away by what I found!

First, a treasury by hhopper who has made a fabulous collection of "Metal Plus Blue". It's filled with absolutely stunning metal jewelry!!

Then, one from our own EFA leader Michele, it's a super-cute treasury called "Dog Days of Summer EFA!". This treasury has also been featured in the Vegan Etsy blog.

Marjorie of WHSKR has created one of her lovely AWBAR and EFA treasuries called "It's cool to Care!" Love the soft colors and images in there!

Cyn never fails to feature EFA in her famous color treasuries, and this time it's "Green"

Here's a treasury by CrazyHappy that I managed to take a screen shot of but wasn't able to add to the blog in time. It isn't live right now but it's beautiful nevertheless.

Since the treasuries are standing 700+, I don't know how long it will be before we have an opening again and another series of EFA featuring treasuries.

Until then...

your treasury hunter,
-Susmitha :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Display Your Membership Proudly

Alilsumptinsumptin created these great tags for you to display your membership proudly!

Thanks Eva!!!

Calling All Participants for the EFA Birthday Bash Extravaganza

ENTER THE RAFFLE NOW for some exciting prizes!!!
Deadline: August 8, 2008 E.S.T.
How? Convo elephantdance or tackyhandmade with your email address and let them know that you will be participating in the birthday bash Extravaganza by August 8 and you will be entered to win some great prizes made by your fellow EFA members. If you've already indicated that you'll participate and/or volunteer, you have already been entered in the raffle! Don’t be late, because the prizes are very, very nice! Prizes will be posted soon.
  • How many raffle tickets do I get? You get one ticket for signing up to participate. You can get a bonus ticket if you offer to help us with this great promotion. We need lots of volunteers to make this promotion a success!
  • What’s this birthday bash? Hello EFA, are you ready for the largest promotion ever offered through our team? Our First Birthday Party!! Celebrate the EFA team store’s first birthday by accepting an EFA coupon from September 15-30. When the coupon is redeemed you provide a 20% (or more) discount to your customer.

    So, you don’t have to jump thru hoops, or walk on lit candles…no, we wouldn’t do that to you…it’s very easy…..just provide a 20% (or more) discount to your customers who redeem the EFA coupon.

    We are looking for at least 50% participation, and who knows it can me much larger!! All EFAer’s coming together for our first annual celebration of the EFA Team Store! How cool is that!

    Imagine, our customers being able to use coupons in 250 or more shops and receive huge discounts off their products. The benefits are very obvious: the EFA shop will generate more business and so will we, the members! The best benefit of all is that the animals will truly benefit from more donations. The busier we are, the more we can help benefit the animal charities.

    It’s a win – win situation for all!
  • How will the coupon work? The coupon will be good for at least 20% off the entire purchase at any participating EFA member store. Only one coupon per store per customer but the coupon may be used by the same customer in as many stores as the customer desires. The coupon does not applying to shipping charges.

    If you do not want some of your items on sale during the coupon redemption period (Sept 15 - 30), you may de-list those items during that time. However, all items listed in the shop must be eligible for the coupon.

    The coupon will be posted on the EFA Blog so that customers may download the coupon. In addition, each participating EFA member will be assigned a coupon code (for tracking purposes). This code will be included on all coupons the particular store distributes. So, provide your customers, friends, and families with your coupons!

    Although each store will be assigned a coupon code, that particular coupon code may be redeemed at any participating EFA member store.

    The EFA store will also be handing out EFA coupons as well!

    The coupon will instruct the customer to include the coupon code in Note to Seller. The customer then has the option of paying and being refunded the 20% or may wait for a revised invoice.
  • How is the birthday party being promoted?

    Prizes: There will also be exciting prizes for those customers who use the coupons (no purchase necessary) and great prizes to the shops that generate the most redeemed coupons…fun…fun…fun…!!

    EFA Team Store: In less than a year, the EFA Team store has sold over 499 and has received over 1200 hearts! Because the EFA Team Store will be handing out and participating in the Birthday Party Celebration, you'll be exposed to many many animal loving EFA team store customers!

    EFA September Monthly Challenge: The monthly theme will correspond to the birthday party bash and prizes will be awarded!

    EFA Blog: The EFA blog will be the headquarters of this birthday party bash.

    Treasuries: Treasuries of participating EFA members will be created to promote this celebration.

    Advertising: EFA will be advertising this Promotion inside and outside of Etsy, which could bring in more new customers to our shops, to EFA and to find out what we are doing to benefit the animals through our TEAM.
  • How can I help?
    These are just ideas on what we need help on but please don't be shy. Have an idea for the promotion? Can you help? Let us know by convoing Tackyhandmade or Elephantdance.

    Recruiting: We need lots of participation to make this a success. Help us with recruiting!

    Etsy Team Cross-Promotion: If you are a member of another Etsy Team let us know. We need you to cross-promote our birthday bash!

    Team Grant: Help us write a team grant proposal to help fund this extravaganza!

    : Are you the lucky few who can nab those treasuries? Then help us by setting up and promoting treasuries.

    Storque Pitches: Do you want to get noticed in the Storque? Help us with Storque Pitches.

    Press Releases: We need press releases in local newspapers, online blogs, online newsletters and more. You can either write the press release and/or help us find places to get us in.

    Advertising: Do you have advertising ideas? Let us know.

    Blog: Do you have a blog and willing to blog about the birthday bash?

    Happy First Birthday EFA, we have so much to be excited about…don’t be left behind…convo Elephantdance or Tackyhandmade NOW!

The Birthday Bash Extravaganza is co-managed by ElephantDance, TackyHandmade, and TheFrogBag.

Treasuries to stimulate or calm at TW

Having a dull day? Cyn has created a stimulating "Orange" treasury with delicious items to add that zest to your life!!

Day been too hectic? Not in a mood for bright colors? Well then visit kittenskornerkafe's highly soothing "Calming Blues and Pinks" treasury. I've been visiting the treasury page repeatedly just to soak up that mellow sweetness :)

Thank you both for creating these awesome treasuries and featuring EFA in it! :)

Until next time... your treasury hunter...
-Susmitha :)

Bindi's PICKS Round 2 BNR - treasury

ShaggyChic has created a second in her latest series of BNRs - Bindi's PICKS and she has yet again featured EFA and AWBAR. Thank you ShaggyChic! :)

Just look at all those pretty pinks! Doesn't it make you wanna go there and just buy them all up? :)

-Susmitha :)

More treasuries and BNRs

EFA has been continuously supported in the treasury front by many of our wonderful artists. Lately there seems to be a trend of BNR's too :)

Here's the latest BNR, by Destashtique it's called "Your Favorites BNR"

We have another GORGEOUS "Blue" treasury by... well if you've been following the treasury posts, you'd know by now who is the famous creator of Blue treasuries, always featuring EFA and AWBAR... why Cyn of course! :)

PepperAndFarley has created a beautiful charity treasury with an interesting theme "I Love U Paper, CHARITY PAPER"

Thank you all so very much from EFA and the animals!! :)

-Susmitha :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Help needed with September EFA shop birthday promotion!

A message from tackyhandmade:
I'm looking for some EFA members that would like to help with the EFA shop birthday promotion in September. We are going to have an EFA member wide promotion during the last two weeks of September to celebrate the first anniversary of the efa store (and perhaps the opening of the efa non-profit org!). I'm in charge of promoting, so I'd like to find people that would enjoy promoting on the Etsy forums. The committee's duties will be to advertise to get more EFA members involved in the coupons. I also need someone to compile the shops that are participating in the coupons.

Please convo me at if you'd be willing to help.

Thanks so much!

Four Treasuries and a BNR

prixprix has chosen a unique and awesome treasury theme "Spirogram"

Who are BBFs? AWBAR and EFA are!! in SharonFosterArt's treasury "EFA and AWBAR BBF"

cynmb has one more of her lovely color treasuries up and running. This time it's "Green"

CrazyHappy says "Charity Beginning At Home"

ShaggyChic has a lovely "Grape and Lime BNR" running and it has EFA and AWBAR in it!! :)


Please support all of these wonderful treasuries!! :)

-Susmitha :)

EFA on front page!!! Yippeee!!! :)

Cyn's treasury, Beige, is on the front page of Etsy!!! Yippeeee!! :)

With all the gorgeous treasuries she creates, it was bound to happen sometime right?? :)

The EFA Store and AWBAR store are both included.

Thank you so so so much Cyn!!! :)


P.S: Had to upload to my personal photobucket and put it here. It's too much of a celebration to allow blogger's small sized images! :)

-Susmitha :)

Vegan Etsy - Team Feature

Etsy has a handful of teams which we at Etsy For Animals consider our sister teams. We share many common members. But more importantly, we share a common origin, which is, an inherent love for animals.

One such team is Veganetsy.

Veganetsy is "an etsy team made up of vegans that maintain completely vegan shops. Many of us give a percentage of our sales to animal charities. Our focus is on promoting buying handmade items, supporting vegans and vegan education."

The team was started by Molly of Emma's K9 Kitchen who sells delicious vegan doggie treat recipes tested and approved by Emma.


To find items made by the artists of Veganetsy, please do a tag search on etsy for "Veganetsy Team".

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

the animals thank you for crafting for a cause - treasuries featuring EFA

andreastamps continues her series of "Crafting For A Cause" treasuries with volume 4. Thank you Andrea for featuring EFA yet again! :)

Here's a beautiful treasury - "the animals thank you" featuring the EFA store in 5 slots all at once! It's curated by chendric. Cheryl, the animals thank YOU :)


Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Program - EFA's International Charity for July

The EFA International Charity for July is the Vancouver Aquarium's Marine Mammal Rescue Program

“The primary goal of the Marine Mammal Rescue and Rehabilitation Program is to provide housing and care for ill, injured, or abandoned marine mammals and to rehabilitate them for release back into their natural habitat.”

This program was nominated by savageartworks, who says:
"My daughter works at the aquarium and also volunteers at the marine mammal center, and she knows firsthand how special this program and these animals are. An abandoned or hurt baby looks at you with those eyes, and you can't help but feel their pain and confusion. My daughter loves the harbour seals, and I tend to adore the sea otters, but they are all special and in need of help, especially this time of the year."

Some items by EFA artists that donate all or a percentage of proceeds to the Marine Mammal Rescue Program are:
Savageartworks Harbor Seal ACEO -
Savageartworks Sea Otter ACEO -
MVegan5's Seal Mom and Pup cards and prints -
Bluewhimsy: Sea Turtle wall hanging -

Saturday, July 12, 2008

More EFA treasuries - treasuries

Some of our wonderful EFA-ers have been repeatedly featuring EFA in their treasuries. In the recent times, cynmb and andreastamps are two of them.

Here are the latest of their collections:

2 from Cyn:

And 1 from Andrea (3rd in her series of charity related treasuries):

THANK YOU LADIES!!! EFA and the animals appreciate all you do!!! :)


Thursday, July 10, 2008

EFA's KaysK9s as Etsy Featured Artist!

Kay Turple of KaysK9s mentions Etsy for Animals in her Etsy Featured Artist interview - with a link to the EFA website!

Congratulations to Kay - and thanks for the mention of the EFA Team!

Note: Take a look at Kay's vegan-friendly needle-felted creations.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

2 New EFA Treasuries...

2 awesome new EFA treasuries by our Treasury Mistresses, Cyn and Marj! :)

"Earth Tones"
by cynmb

"and so to bed" by WHSKR